looking for opinions on sideboard

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 16, 2012, 12:54 p.m. by Sagi007

Home alone is my deck to go with and its working out pretty good for me. atm i feel i need more work on the side.

after looking upon it i feel i have 5 free spots(note on those in deescription). things that seem to trouble me are Slaughter Games and G/W?B reanimator though the latter one is probeble more tht i havnt figgure out what to side it with at right amount...

so Slaughter Games as main concern atm. i was thinking of Nephalia Drownyard as side(no aint mainboarding it)? or more variaty on creatures... cant realy figure it out so need some help here.

i would have played Memoricide if it were still standard but since its not thts not an option.

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