Looking for some 'Sacrifice Artifact' Advice for My Prototype Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 25, 2011, 3:52 a.m. by ZaLiTHkA

First off, this is still a prototype.. I do want to get the cards and actually build the deck one day, but for now it's just a pipe dream: Steel Garrison.

I have a fair amount of creatures that have certain useful abilities when they are sent to the graveyard (mostly Arcbound Reclaimer , Myr Retriever , Epochrasite and Wurmcoil Engine )..

Essentially, if they don't kill my creatures then I get to play daddy and watch my kids grow up nice and big and strong. If they do kill my creatures, well then they either come back stronger, make my other creatures stronger, or allow me to retrieve another artifact already in my graveyard. :)

While this seems to be a rather stable 'one or the other' idea, I may find myself in a situation where I actually want/need to sacrifice a creature myself in order to use it's final-death-bed-wish ability...

Here are my nominees for this important role in my preferred order of importance; I was wondering if I could get some feedback as to which one or two you guys think might work best in this deck?

Piston Sledge : I get my sacrifice ability and I can equip a creature with +3/+1. Very nice. :D

Throne of Geth : I can sacrifice a creature each round if I like, and I can Proliferate.. And it's one of the cheapest to play.

Arcbound Ravager : Fitting match with my Arcbound Reclaimer and Arcbound Crusher , and I get a creature along side the sacrifice ability.

Krark-Clan Ironworks : Permanent artifact, adds to mana pool. Although I highly doubt I actually need more mana.....

card:Phyrexia's Core: Again, not sure if I need more mana, but the life-gain could be rather helpful... But my Elixir of Immortality should have that covered quite nicely already .

Thermal Navigator : Another creature, flying would be good.. But no real big benefits with this one.

Damping Engine : I wasn't actually going to include this one, because it could quite easily go very badly... But if managed correctly and played at the right time, it would be a highly effective card.

ZaLiTHkA says... #2

Please note: I included Arcbound Reclaimer as one of the 'please-kill-this-card' idea by accident; that's actually one I'd like to keep alive for as long as possible before either having it die or sacrificing it..

October 25, 2011 3:54 a.m.

maiden77 says... #3

dont forget you could use Phyrexian Altar or something like Culling Dais as you will only be sccing creatures wont you?

October 25, 2011 4:10 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #4

Yeah, I would only be sacrificing creatures.. I originally thought of aiming at sacrificing artifacts because all my creatures are 'Artifact Creatures'.. Perhaps using 'destroy target artifact' would work even better though; something I could use on my own cards just as well as on an opponent's cards (two of my friends really like their card:Angel's Feathers)...

Culling Dais looks nice, it didn't come up my Gatherer search earlier. I'd probably put that in the top 3 of my previous list... With that I would get the graveyard bonus of my creatures, as well as a draw bonus later once my creatures are sorted and my hand starts dropping low.

However, regarding Phyrexian Altar : for only one more mana to play, Krark-Clan Ironworks provides 2 mana for each sacrificed creature, and colours are not an issue (it's a completely colourless deck). So on that front, Krark-clan fits better. But still, I already have a theoretical 100 mana available from only 12 of the 20 land cards in my deck, so mana really isn't an issue.... :P

October 25, 2011 5:15 a.m.

maiden77 says... #5

true said glad that the Culling Dais is useful for you mate, Miren, the Moaning Well could be viable? but quite mana intensive but that may not be a problem for you with the locus lands etc.

October 25, 2011 5:18 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #6

Miren would actually work.. I wonder how copies work with legendary cards though.. Would the rule of legends cause both cards to be sent to the graveyard? I imagine it would because Vesuva doesn't create a 'token copy', it's just a straight 'copy'.. :/ I'll read up on the rules just now.

I know I'm restricting myself quite drastically by keeping the deck to only 60 cards and keeping it colourless; that means no sorceries or instants... But I still think this would be a pretty rock-solid (uh.. or steel-solid?) deck.

A bit more destroy/sacrifice target artifact, and some more reliable flying defence (other than waiting for card:Akroma's Memorial to come out), and I think it will be ready to buy and test. :)

October 25, 2011 5:43 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #7

Right... Made a few small tweaks; ended up with more useful cards and a better mana curve. You want to have another look and see what you think now? :D I tried a couple draw tests and it's looking pretty solid...

October 25, 2011 5:50 a.m.

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