Looking for Suggestions for Drake/Dragon Deck Please

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 10, 2011, 3:24 a.m. by ZaLiTHkA

My girlfriend used to play Magic (before I met her actually), but her cards went missing ages back.. It really didn't take much to get her back into it again, but I don't have enough cards to make up another deck with cards that she really knows and likes.

From what I know, she used to play black/red, and I managed to throw together a quick blue/red for her to mess around with for now (Goblins and Drakes). She's actually enjoying the card combos more than either of us thought she would. :)

Anyway, I want to put together a deck with some black cards as well for her and give it to her as a present sometime soon.. Problem is, I don't play black myself, so I don't have any experience with them.. :/

Also, I'm trying to make the move to Extended from Legacy myself (waiting for cards to arrive for deck:fury-of-the-furries), so just to make it all a bit more fair, I'd like to try keep her new deck to the Extended format as well.

So... Any suggestions for a predominantly Drake/Dragon deck? Should I make it black/red (with focus on dragons and dragon shamans) or black/blue (with focus on drakes)? Maybe more along the lines of shapeshifters if it goes black/blue? One possibility that crossed my mind was a black/blue Dragon/Illusions deck... But again, no idea where to start. A little help? Please? :)

ZaLiTHkA says... #2

Just to clarify, I'm not asking you guys to actually build a deck for me to give to her... I'm looking more for card suggestions to get it started. Such as which abilities would be good to focus on, which colours would work better for this, etc. If possible, I would like to still build the deck myself (I think that makes it a more special present). :)

November 10, 2011 3:28 a.m.

icekillaxx says... #3

Well does she like those creatures? Does she like control? Cause if its a red/black deck you could do a good old deck that has stuff like Doomblade, Lightning Bolt , Duress and just have it a controled burn deck xD haha or if she does like using creatures i would maybe look into vampires as well there black n red, they are alot of fun as well! heres a deck she may like Death From Vampires, or maybe you should buy her the duel deck Knights vs dragons and bam a sick red deck and a fun knight deck! its like 18 bucks!

November 10, 2011 11:02 a.m.

icekillaxx says... #4

Now i need a gf that plays magic... xD my X hated it, we recently ended it hahahahahaha

November 10, 2011 11:03 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #5

The abilities she enjoys the most of the red/blue deck I put together is probably the rapid, direct damage.. There were many evil giggles as she picked away at my life while sending my creatures to the graveyard. :/ So (I'll probably regret this later) but a black/red burn deck sounds about right...

Doom Blade I'd say is a definite yes, it fits almost too perfectly with where this deck is heading...

One comment that she had about the Goblins and Drakes deck was that it didn't really have much for creatures, it was mostly just burn damage.. So I did tweak it a bit more after uploading it here (I must still update that page).

Thanks for the deck link, looks pretty cool.. I'll go through it in more detail a bit later today. :)

November 11, 2011 8:19 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #6

Oh, and the "Magic playing girlfriend" thing isn't really that amazing... My previous girlfriend was a 5'8" dirty blonde, green eyed, top-heavy (trying to be diplomatic here) PC gamer who liked FPS and RPG games. :D

We played regular games of Titan Quest multiplayer, very often until 2am or 3am. Best ever was a 4-player Diablo 2 run, start to finish in one sitting. It was a very sad day indeed when we went our separate ways...

November 11, 2011 8:25 a.m.

ZaLiTHkA says... #7

So I've put together what I want to describe as a sadistic, twisted, shameless, "steal your life while grinning maniacally" Black/Red deck. Officially though, I guess it's considered a Black/Red Vampire Burn deck? Who knows, half these descriptive titles get lost on me...

Anyway, if you (as a reader of this thread) had to get this deck as a present, would you complain? Please comment on the deck and let me know what you think: Red Moon.

November 11, 2011 8:15 p.m.

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