Looking for suggestions of turning this deck into a mono blue mill

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 20, 2012, 1:34 p.m. by DaddyBoJangles


I added the cards to the maybe board, already have an idea going to pretty much scrap whats here and start fresh any ideas or card suggestions are appreciated. Wanting to make this Standard Legal, thanks

Cirdan13 says... #2

This is my current take on a mill deck. I just put it together and haven't playtested yet but it might help give you some ideas. deck:post-rotation-mill Unfortunately, I realized that because of one card it is not actually post-rotation legal but it is good until Oct. and shouldn't be to hard to update at that point and may have some good new additions from Return to Ravnica.

July 21, 2012 1:52 p.m.

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