looking to make a tier 1 deck but need help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 21, 2012, 8:45 p.m. by jgattignolo
i love playing standard magic but just cant seem to build a tier one deck. so i thought id look for help here i like green and i like white but wouldn't mind trying out a different color. What is a good way to start a tier one deck. Thanks in advance
Ohthenoises says... #3
Centaur Healer , while being a common, deserves mention as well. Especially with flicker effects.
October 21, 2012 9:09 p.m.
I played with 4x Centaur Healer main-board last FNM with my G/W Ramp deck and I'll personally say that it's an amazing common. As far as commons go, it's about as good as it gets. It's right up there in power-level with Pillar of Flame , Cloudshift , card:Avacyn's Pilgrim, and Brimstone Volley .
October 21, 2012 11:29 p.m.
In a ramp deck, yes. It gives me a body and life, and I can later go back to abuse it with Restoration Angel and Angel of Serenity . Smiter's cool for Aggro, but all I need in ramp is a stepping stone wide enough to get me to the shore, f'you know what I'm sayin'.
October 22, 2012 12:03 a.m.
A different way to phrase it would be do I run Rancor and maybe Silverblade Paladin , if yes Smiter is better, if you need a guy that can block most of what the fast decks are running and could use some lifegain so you can get to Thragtusk to gain some more life to play big bombs and win Centaur Healer would be better.
And as Epoch started to say was if you're not into spending hours upon hours brewing and testing (often only to realize the teams of brewing pro's have already done all that work) you can look onto starcitygames or another similar site and look at what decks are making top 8, then look through your collection and consider your playstyle and then pick one of those successful decks and tune it to what you need. (though be aware, unless you hoarded all the good cards it's likely you'll be needing to do large $30-$200 worth of trades to build one of those decks to a successful state)
October 22, 2012 12:44 a.m.
"Success" is a subjective word. You might think "success" means winning a SCG Open. "Success" for the OP might just be winning a round or two @ FNM.
October 22, 2012 12:49 a.m.
He's asking for advise on how to make a tier one deck, you only ever want to do that if you want to win.
October 22, 2012 1:22 a.m.
Judging by his terminology and attitude toward Magic, I would make a case fo the latter in my previous post.
October 22, 2012 1:24 a.m.
hmm this argument reminds me of something... how's that pauper challenge thing going? Also it's not nice to judge people by their terminologies and attitudes, also also it's difficult to express one's attitude in text so how were you able to effectively judge it? Also pro mtg players call themselves bad mtg players quite often in their videos, wouldn't that mean their terminology would be expressed that they are bad, inexperienced players admitting to being bad?
Finally where exactly in his post did you feel that he's a bad enough a player that he'd be happy only winning a couple rounds at an FNM? I only see him expressing that he wishes to know how to build a top tier deck and he states the colors he prefers. Are you saying he's a bad player just because he prefers one or two colors over the rest? Because he did write down that he was willing to try out other colors as well. Or is it that he wants to build a top tier deck that gave you the impression that he's a bad player? I'm pretty sure no one who would be willing to build a $500+ deck would be simply happy with winning a couple of rounds at an FNM.
October 22, 2012 5:09 a.m.
I like your comment about "Success" being subjective.
I recently played my Milly Defenders deck at FMN, and won 2 out of 5 rounds. As its a mill deck in a currently very aggressive format, and it was my first time playing the deck, I feel it was a success; I feel that this deck (with some more tweaking, and adding more/better control) can get into top 8.
I completely dislike you comment, "bad enough player that he'd be happy only winning a couple rounds at a FNM". This implies that only winning a couple round make a player bad. I feel that anyone who simply netdecks their way into top 8 is a bad player. Designing your own deck with little or nothing in common to another 'tier 1' deck is much more difficult, and doing decently with your own idea is a much better measure of skill than doing well with someone else's concept.
I've placed first at FNM, using a deck based around Slumbering Dragon , and Stuffy Doll ... two cards that everyone there had said were 'horrible' in standard. Now, when they see my deck ideas, they don't put it down at all, they simply remain weary about how it may develop.
October 22, 2012 8:47 a.m.
Feel free to dislike my comment, but be reminded that the person who make this topic asked basically how he could go about building a netdeck that could allow him to win, not some brew like you described to take to an FNM without properly testing it, going to a tournament with 2-3 record is bad, now I will admit I've never had the pleasure of having a collection that I could netdeck, instead I spent hours upon hours testing my brews before each FNM and have been rewarded for it many times, my most notable being my midrange, haunted humans deck that took me to the top 4 split for 7 months at FNM and allowed me to top 2 split at a GPT. It's wrong to classify mtg players as bad or good overall. you could say netdecking to top 8 is bad deckbuilding, I can say you doing poorly at an FNM with your own deck would be bad deckbuilding and playskill, but I guess good in being creative.
October 22, 2012 8:28 p.m.
jgattignolo says... #14
Well thank you demarge. Turns out my ramping the behemoth deck did just fine at my fnm. Thanks zandi for being a disrespectful prick i have only been playing for 3 months now so i do not know all the terminology.
October 22, 2012 10:24 p.m.
Well if your deck did well enough to be proud about you can use the events section of this site and record your experience, it'll also help people who comment on the deck an idea of your place's meta if you give a general breakdown of how the rounds went.
October 23, 2012 3:04 a.m.
How on Earth was I being a "disrespectful prick" to you? All I did was kindly suggest a card, explain my rationale for the suggestion, and then attempt to state that "success" is subjective. If you're referring to this:
(@Demarge) ""Success" is a subjective word. You might think "success" means winning a SCG Open. "Success" for the OP might just be winning a round or two @ FNM."
"Judging by his terminology and attitude toward Magic, I would make a case for the latter in my previous post."
... how can you get mad at that? All I did was make an observation (which, I might add, was correct) and use it as justification for explaining my card choices and protecting you from needless judgment.
You owe it to yourself to read through this entire thread. TappedOut isn't the place to go around calling people "disrespectful pricks", especially so when those people did nothing to deserve it.
I can be a huge pool of resources for you learning Magic if you want me to be. ... What's that phrase? ... Oh, right. Don't burn your bridges.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Tier is a descriptor of popularity rather than power; as such, tier 1 decks tend to be netdecks that are copied from major tournament top-8s.
If you're looking to make a powerful deck (which also qualifies as tier 1, given its popularity), try Selesnya tempo. It basically uses mana dorks and advantage generators like card:Avacyn's Pilgrim, Arbor Elf , Armada Wurm , Thragtusk , Restoration Angel , and Loxodon Smiter to build a terrifyingly strong field in very little time. It hits hard and isn't too difficult to balance because it's a bicolor ramp deck.
October 21, 2012 9:03 p.m.