Making a Deck out of about 600 Cards?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 12, 2013, 4:29 a.m. by NeonRave
I have a 2013 deck builder box and a Instranaud box (Top loader) And a few cards in a dragons maze box (like 70 odd cards or so) full of cards and I am not sure what to do with them.
i would like to make a good deck but I am unsure what to make with it, I am unsure what to do,Is someone able to help me out, maybe skype would be better? I don't knowI think most of the boxes contain commons and a few lands with abilities I cannot remember what they are called (sorry that I have, I have had just a long few hours trying to get my brain working :P).
I would like to make a deck that is good but I would be able to make without having to go out and buy cards for the deck, I mean a few is ok, But I am talking if it most of them that I have to buy I don't think that I want to do that :)
Thanks. :)
ps. Sorry that I am being very indescript but i can't really think of anything else to say.
RussischerZar says... #3
If you take your time and put up a "deck" on TO that contains all the cards you have, people might have a better look. Obviously that's a lot of writing down cards, but it might be worth it.
June 12, 2013 4:38 a.m.
Oh ok fair enough, well that Is what I was saying.
Well what would you suggest that I should do with the small amount of information that i could do? like what type of themed deck :)
June 12, 2013 4:38 a.m.
If you write down your rares and uncommons in a deck they will probably be the best cards to build around. Once a colour and theme of the deck is picked from those selected cards you can then proceed to get suggestions for filler fodder such as commons from your collection. This should be the most efficient way of building a deck from such a large pool of cards without taking all your life to list them.
June 12, 2013 5:52 a.m.
CalciferDK says... #7
I agree with Timekeeper. you need to focus on something like a card or a color combination.
Is thee a nice rare or mythic card you like? or a mechanic eg. exalted?
What format do you intend to play in? (casual, standard, modern or pauper)
Are you completely new to the game or a returning player?
June 12, 2013 5:58 a.m.
Modern, More like someone who is playing and just trying to use some of my cards and make another deck :).
June 12, 2013 6:59 a.m.
CalciferDK says... #9
Ok.. but we still need some more information to be able to help.
what kind of playstyle do you want? aggro/control/combo?
There is a lot of tribal stuff in innistrad you could go for.. vampires, zombies, humans, spirits etc.. but it all depends on what you want to do..
I would like to help but unless you give us something to work with it's kinda hard.
June 12, 2013 8:31 a.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #10
I say since you have a few duel color cards, sort them into piles and try and build around each mechanic, or if there are cards you like specifically build around them. After constructing these decks, you'll have enough to playtest them against each other, you will quickly find out how each deck compares to one another and which one is your favorite. After you know which ones are your favorites, build off of them.
Really it's just play whatever 'feels right' to you. And you have to play everything else to know what you don't like as much. Your decks may not be top tier or even good, but that's not what starting magic is about. You just have to feel it.
June 12, 2013 8:39 a.m.
Yep sorry fair enough.I will sort through it tomorrow after I finish school and see what I want to do and then come back and say?Yeah well I'm not sure it's full instranaud but there is some in there.I will see what I want to do. I think control/combo would be good.I will see what I want to do.I think maybe a blue or white something.Not sure how I would make a blue white deck, I mean I have the intro pack of it but I wouldn't know where to start really.
June 12, 2013 9:05 a.m.
Combo in the standard environment will be tough, there isn't a lot actually viable. You mentioned wanted to go for Modern, but modern is quite a fast format and without some key card (that are probably outside your budget and not in the box you mentioned.
With the color you said you wanted to work with, some Spirit flying aggro/control deck can actually be viable.
June 12, 2013 10:39 a.m.
RUN AWAY, this is long winded.... doh
ok im going to go at this from an off angle, look and find out if there are any drafts or sealed events going on this week or weekend, with in your travel circle.
head out to one, now you could go all wall flower and watch, but i would rather see you sit down at the table and try and build yourself a deck, right then and there. this will do a few things for you. first you will likely get stomped unless you do some research before sitting down, second, you will get more cards. and third this is where you will WIN, after the match hand them your deck and side board cards, and ask what they would do different and why. MOST people will be willing to help and point out what could be done to improve the deck, now you will end up with a lot of opinions take them as just that, sort of like the nose on their face, ya they have one does not mean you want your nose to look like theirs, listen and learn
and take a picture of your deck at the start of the night and at the end of the night, and see what has changed, keep notes of what worked for you and what did not, keep notes of what people said... and things they pointed out to you.
simple guideline to draft by
B - bombs, something that can single handedly win you the game
R- removal, now remember in limited pump spells are virtual removal so do not over look them, direct removal is better but in a pinch they can be used.
E- evasion, flying, unblockable, mountain walk ect, some creatures come with these effects others need help like enchantments..
A- all the other cards, from filler to mana fixing, this is a large block of cards but one that needs to be looked at with care.
D- Dregs, stuff you picked up because there was nothing better, or got stuck with.
other things to shoot for, try to draft two colors, and only splash a 3rd if you can, this will make it easier on the mana fixing as well as hopefully keep you from having mana issues. guildgates are golden for mana fixing, picking these up in the colors you are running is very helpful, but make sure there is not something of greater value in the pack first, do not forget to draft creatures and spells, yes i have seen drafts where someone only drafted a single creature and another where they did not draft a single spell bu, with the current format, know which colors are strongest in which packs, dragon's maze, gatecrash and return to ravnica,
m14 will be much easier to draft.
what this adventure will earn you
first off you get to meet new people, always a win, second more card again a win, third INFORMATION about what you like and what other people saw you doing or not doing with your deck and card selection.
now drafting is the art of deck building on the fly, it takes time to get good at it, but it is fun to learn. so go have fun, sit there awestruck at the walls of card text, smile as you are totally confused as to what card to take, and enjoy it, or just do a brad nelson, eww purty draft pick.... hope it is good.... and rare does not always mean good... sometimes it means why the hell did they waste the ink on this card.
when you have the list together we will see what we can brew up with what you have on hand... call it a community deck building challenge...
June 12, 2013 3:04 p.m.
Oh wow, im a faster reader than I ever thought that I was.
Thank you for taking the time out to type that.
I wish I could do that but because of the parents and where I am situated I don't think that I could just randomly go out to the city, and see what the people from a tournament background say. I mean I would love to, but I was going to see if I could make up the start of a deck before this Sunday for me, and then I am going to the meet up in the city for mainly magic... So I could take all my cards and see what they have to say and what I could possibly add!
After that, I could go through my deck and write it out here, and see what you guys think, and see what a sideboard could have and what I could swap out for another better of more useful card :).
As for sets I was going to go out and buy a few booster packs of dragons maze. And while I'm at this place a few single cards if I have to :).
But thanks for taking out the time to write that it is much appreciated :).
June 12, 2013 3:53 p.m.
ugh, the parental units... i remember those days, LOL, LONG since past thankfully but nothing beats raiding their house and kitchen, bachelor life great on one hand bad on another... what you do is negotiate with them, and try to line your trips/travel up so they land on draft days, most draft places have constructed causal and side table elements to them,
the nice part of draft is everyone is on even footing so a lack of a big collection or expensive collection is mitigated.
the nice part about the draft is you basically pay for 3 boosters, get three boosters through the draft and possible prizing if you do well in the form of more boosters. so from a learning and building stand point it can work out better, and that is how you sell the parents on it... or maybe mine were just suckers.
June 12, 2013 4:14 p.m.
So I quickly made a blue, white and green deck :).It was something I just slapped together so please nice criticism ;) :).
Avacyn, Angel of Hope Murder Investigation Moment of Heroism Ghostly Possession Holy Mantle Pacifism Angelic Edict Seraph of Dawn Guardians of Akrasa Goodnight Redeemer (I don't know why there is no link for this one)Grift of the GargantuanFarseek Grappler Spider Glissa's Courier Gnarlid Pack Orchard Spirit Orochi Leafcaller Yavimaya Dryad Borderland Ranger Acidic Slime Wildwood Geist Avacyn's Pilgrim Elvish Visionary Skaab Goliath Skygames Traumatize x2Illusionary Servant Sage Owl Wall of Frost Snapping Drake Ice Cage Kabira Crossroads Terramorphic Expanse Soaring Seacliff x2Turntimber Grove x2Evolving Wilds Sejiri Refuge Haunted Fengraf Shimmering Grotto Skinwing Darksteel Axe 9 x Forest (ment to grab ten but didnt)10 x Island 10 x Plains
So that conconcludes my deck really.The reason I put the artifacts in was to protect Avacyn, Angel of Hope because after she comes out it is a good card.The complex land was mainly there for the mana pool so I am able to get her out fast.So some of this list could be put in a sideboard. :).I really should have some more playsets though I am concentrating on the abilities. :)
June 12, 2013 6:08 p.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #17
you should use deck builder and then insert the name of it in the chat, same way you insert cards, but with the name (and number if need be) of the deck.
June 12, 2013 7:52 p.m.
I will when I get home.Which isn't too long away then I will post the link :)I am just on my phone that's all :)
Timekeeper says... #2
Start by picking colors. Or a card to work around. That part is pretty much up to you, but until we can narrow it down, we can't really do much for you.
June 12, 2013 4:35 a.m.