Making an Eldrazi deck... Where do I begin?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 30, 2013, 11:02 a.m. by hydra_queen

Hello! I won a bunch of the uncommon colorless Eldrazi creatures in an auction and have been wanting to make a deck. My problem: how do I go about such an undertaking? I run a lot of green land ramp, big creature, smash, and repeat type decks, so I'm looking to do something different.

I was thinking a black 'discard and play from the graveyard' type deck with Reanimate Dead and whatnot, but I don't know much about that style. Any help or other suggestions would be very appreciated! :)

GoldGhost012 says... #2

I know it's not in the color you're thinking of, but my personal favorite way to beat face with Eldrazi is with Heretic's Punishment . 8-10 damage a turn for 4 mana? Yes please! It would even help your reanimation theme.

August 30, 2013 11:22 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #3

Is this for casual play?

The best way to play Eldrazi creatures is to mana ramp, play Spawnsire of Ulamog , and then play all the Eldrazi creatures you own from out of the game! I only managed to do this once, because I was able to level up three Lighthouse Chronologist in a group game, and I took three turns every time each of them took one.

August 30, 2013 11:47 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #4

SharuumNyan, I imagine you went through the majority of your deck pretty quickly. Good thing you weren't facing any mill decks.

August 30, 2013 11:50 a.m.

SharuumNyan says... #5

The game was pure luck all the way!

August 30, 2013 11:56 a.m.

vervamon says... #6

Have you thought about running an Eldrazi / Ally deck? You can use Hada Freeblade and Kazandu Blademaster for beatsticks, Ondu Cleric to keep your life total up, and Harabaz Druid for mana ramp. You can use Join the Ranks to augment your allies as an instant, givng you life, bigger creatures, etc, and if you want to add blue, use the Jwari Shapeshifter to copy one of your allies, and Sea Gate Loremaster to refill your hand.

August 30, 2013 12:34 p.m.

vervamon says... #7

If you want to keep it black, you can use Unburial Rites and Rise from the Grave to reanimate them after discarding them to cards like Trading Post or Pack Rat . If you want to use older cards as well, you can use Bog Witch . Drop her on turn 3, turn 4 activate her and discard an eldrazi, and then reanimate it with one of the reanimation spells

August 30, 2013 12:47 p.m.

hydra_queen says... #8

Yes, this is casual format. And I'm really liking the ideas so far! I never really considered using red or blue!

August 30, 2013 12:49 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #9

Which creatures did you win out of the auction, and how many of them do you have?

August 30, 2013 12:51 p.m.

vervamon says... #10

You can also use Quicksilver Amulet and Elvish Piper to "sneak" them in on oyur opponents turns

August 30, 2013 12:53 p.m.

wafleboy88 says... #11

I'm not sure what format you are playing but I have an eldrazi deck that's mono red that could give you some ideas Heed the Altar. Otherwise, Polymorph is a hilarious, inexpensive card to cheat in Eldrazi with, combine it with any non-creature, token producer (i.e. Lingering Souls ) and you can drop Emrakul, the Aeons Torn turn four. Hypergenesis is a frankly broken card that can be abused through cascade effects to play Eldrazi, but it is banned for that exact reason. Similarly Oath of Druids acts like a cheaper Polymorph but is banned in legacy. Windbrisk Heights can be abused easily (possibly as a back up in a Polymorph deck?). Also, there are always the tron lands, G/R tron being the fastest archetype.

August 30, 2013 1:31 p.m.

hydra_queen says... #12

I have: 1x Spawnsire of Ulamog x15 Ulamog's Crusher x14 Hand of Emrakul x2 Skittering Invasion x4 Pathrazer of Ulamog x5 Artisan of Kozilek

And this is super casual/legacy... Like I don't want to get too expensive.

August 30, 2013 2:10 p.m.

wafleboy88 says... #13

then I suggest Polymorph its been reprinted a half-dozen times so it shouldn't be to hard to get a hold of, its only about a dollar.

August 30, 2013 2:22 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #14

Polymorph would probably be the cheapest choice to build a deck around, but depending on how many creatures go in, it seems underwhelming with these creatuers, especially with no Emrakul or the other Eldrazi Titans. The best choice would probably be Artisan of Kozilek and not that I'm saying he's bad or unworkable in a Polymorph deck, he just doesn't have the same kick as Emrakul.

August 30, 2013 2:37 p.m.

wafleboy88 says... #15

I'd say Pathrazer of Ulamog is the best

August 30, 2013 2:46 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #16

If you could put Alpha Authority and/or Vorrac Battlehorns on him, yeah he's great. Unblockable 9/9 Annihilator 3 swinging every turn!

August 30, 2013 2:50 p.m.

smackjack says... #18

here is my casual Eldrazi Control deck. It uses polymorph to cheat out Emrakul and Ulamog.

August 30, 2013 5:41 p.m.

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