Making junk out of golgari

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 27, 2014, 3:27 a.m. by HandOfLife

I apologize ahead of time for being bad at linking but on my profile is a deck called golgari tempo and tricks. I'm trying to make it junk as I love the potential synergy. I feel replacing the mistcutters with archangel of thine and sin collectors in sideboard as well as the removal of pack rat from the deck. Some questionable cards are fleecemane lion and adding mana ramp stuff like elvish mystic and caryatid. Suggestions for additions or replacements?

What do you want in the deck or what do you want it to do?

March 28, 2014 6:08 a.m.

Linking is easy; you simply need double brackets ([ ] x2) around the card you're trying to link. The same goes for decks, except you need their slug which is the part of the URL in between the two slashes following "mtg-decks." For your deck, it would be:


Thus, making your deck's link (without the spaces between the two brackets):

[ [golgari-tempo-and-tricks-current-setup] ]

Golgari Tempo and Tricks (current setup)

Learning to link makes it easier for everyone to look at your deck, and the less work they have to do to find your deck, the more inclined they are to help you out.

As said above though, what do you want the deck to do?

March 28, 2014 9:07 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #4

I want the deck to be aggressive and be able to just overrrun most any deck. a good ol beatdown.

March 28, 2014 1:32 p.m.

(IMO and off the top of my head) Honestly I would move into a midrange vs. aggro and I'll say why later. I'm not one of those people to give you a deck list when you want to make it, like when people are like 2x this, -1 that, But what I would suggest considering is have some Selesnya creatures in it: Fleecemane Lion , Voice of Resurgence , Loxodon Smiter . You can get tricky with Advent of the Wurm and Boon Satyr . All these guys are cost effective threats. If you really want aggro, play Elvish Mystic over Sylvan Caryatid because you're gonna have some awesome 2CMC stuff, and the Mystic opens you up to a T2 Loxodon Smiter or Dreg Mangler ... live the dream, that's beating face. You could consider big things with 4CMC like Polukranos, World Eater , Desecration Demon and my favorite Reaper of the Wilds . Polukranos is a nice T3 or T4 beaing a 5/5, but I love Reaper over anything bc with extra mana, it's Hexproof is really a thing opponents have to care about and you can throw things like Boon Satyr on it, and it's deathtouch can take down any creature in Standard except for Blood Baron or anything that could potentially be a 5+/X with first strike, and the scrying is also good. I'm really not a fan of DD just because the ability to just play around it, it's good in MBD bc the double B and it's pretentious threatening appearance. I do like the Lotleth Troll in your board and the Mistcutters. Pack Rat is meh in a Junk deck and I'm on the fence with Experiment One . Scavenging Ooze is good but playing black and white gives you a lot of lifegain opportunities with a bunch of cards/creatures. There's a lot of cool G/B creatures but the meta of standard doesn't really support it. Sin Collector is a good guy but you have so much control hate in the junk colors that you should probably find something else with 3CMC. Junk/golgari has lots of great removal: Thoughtseize , Duress , Abrupt Decay , Putrefy , Hero's Downfall , Revoke Existence /Unravel the Aether , and Selesnya Charm . Also there will be plenty of other uses for Selesnya Charm 's other stuff. Golgari Charm is incredible in standard. What it gets rid of or keeps you from losing is always relevant. Being an aggressive deck, I'm not sure if Drown in Sorrow fits in your SB. Good stuff 4 or less CMC can be Lifebane Zombie , Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Bow of Nylea , Whip of Erebos , Courser of Kruphix , Underworld Connections , Witchstalker , Fiendslayer Paladin , and lots of just Janky stuff. With an aggro type deck, Ready / Willing might come in handy. But I would personally move more into midrange, and it seems like you want to do that with adding Archangel of Thune mostly because you may not have the colors you need on turn one or turn two and because the things with 5CMC or greater in Junk makes it pretty powerful. I've been playing with dozens of different Junk setups since Theros's release, and what I play now consistently tops all the time and I play at 4 different game stores so I see a lot fo different competition. I see other people play Junk and they try to use the "good cards" in standard and it doesn't work in junk because the lack of synergy. You can't take the best cards from all 3 colors or from MBD and the G from G/R monsters or Orzhov Control and make a good Junk deck. I think there's lots of great cards that I don't CURRENTLY run in my deck that I may have in the past (example: Advent of the Wurm and Elspeth, Sun's Champion ), but if you'd like to see it's under my profile. But one thing I know doesn't work is building Golgari and splashing white or building Selesnya and splashing black. Sorry for the essay but no one responded in quite some time so I wanted to make this pact with information. I love Junk and have been trying to make it work for months bc it has answers for control and MBD and MUD and G/R monsters and the new Aura hype. I love what I use now and people try to offer me advice on the deck and I know it doesn't work because I've tried and they are star struck by the cards used most in standard. I'm not full of shit when I say that I consistently top with my deck. I beat everything and mostly it's because of my sideboard. I really like Deadbridge Chant but don't use it and it might work for you. I'd rather have Blood Baron of Vizkopa or Obzedat, Ghost Council over Archangel of Thune but she's really good too if you make it work. GL, sorry agains that this is super long, I want you to win!

March 28, 2014 3:38 p.m.

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