Making U/B Work
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2013, 7:47 a.m. by Pyrokineticrage
The Deck link posted here is my latest attempt to make a U/B Deck that can win FNM and maybe be competitive in tournaments. It has a Small amount of mill and Mill utilities to help make help make Some Wight of Precinct Six bigger and to fuel a Deathrite Shaman Burn mech. It gets unblockable and sneaky. Its got quite a bit of Control Via Kill spells and Counters spells. And its a bit agro since EVERYTHING is 3CMC or lower except Duskmantle Seer So Can this deck Do it all to Win it all? I could use your opinions and suggestions. Whatever Ive got on Friday is what I am playing. Dimir Contra-mill-aggro