Making use of Heartless Summoning
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 23, 2011, 6:14 a.m. by MagicFingers
Okay, Heartless Summoning is just begging to be broken, and I have attempted to do so here: heartlessness.
In testing, it either does quite well or flops. There is usually no middle ground. I can feel potential in there somewhere, but I can't quite find the right combination of cards to use here.
onorevolev says... #3
Ok so this might be a stupid question, but i've been out of the game a while.
With Heartless Summoning out, if a creature is 1* to cast does it come out for free, or the cost of the white mana?
I guess what i'm asking is does it only reduce colorless mana?
September 23, 2011 3:53 p.m.
It will only reduce colorless so if you have something like Grand Architect you will still have to pay blue+blue
September 23, 2011 4:02 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #5
If a cost reduction effect only uses generic mana symbols in its description, then it only reduces the generic mana portion of the cost. Take a look at Edgewalker as an example of an effect that reduces the colored mana portion of a cost (I'm pretty sure it's the only card that does this).
September 23, 2011 4:02 p.m.
onorevolev says... #6
I thought that's what it was... I just wanted to make sure... Thanks guys
September 23, 2011 6:16 p.m.
MagicFingers says... #7
What should be the goal of a Heartless Summoning deck?
Some use the [2] reduction to drop some big 'ol creatures a turn or two earlier, as I have done. It seems solid, but highly (I cannot stress this enough) inconsistent, which I still need to get around to fixing.
Others use the -1/-1 to either weaken creatures into a specific range of either power or toughness or use the -1/-1 to abuse death-related abilities. These also seem pretty inconsistent, as the combos used are only really viable when Heartless Summoning is on the field. Without it, the combos are either nonexistent or relatively (extremely) ineffective.
Ideas? Come on people, let's come up with some strategies.
September 25, 2011 3:40 a.m.
I think the best way is to do both. Go into white for mentor of the meek. Use white fatties that help weenies like elesh norn or sun titan. Include some secondary ramp (palladium myr, solemn simulacrum, or priest of urabrask) to help consistancy
upgraded says... #2
My version of the deck runs more traditional ramp and tries to avoid cards that are ONLY good with a heartless out. I run Palladium myr and perilous myr. My version is mostly white to abuse the weenie strategy while still ramping into big guys like elesh norn (that still helps out your weenies). I love priests of urabrask in the deck. Have you ever tried big urabrask and more nice 3 drops?
Heartless mentor
September 23, 2011 1:44 p.m.