mana curve
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 13, 2013, 9:27 a.m. by restrada
whenerver im working om a deck I usually do half and half (or divided evenly) being that mangagesyou draw statistic. what im trying to say is how other people create a efficient mana curve?
What about decks with a splash of another color? say white with a splash of green..
October 13, 2013 3:47 p.m.
Instead of restricting the number of each kind of drop you have, first plan out your nonlands. Once you get the ones in you want, you can then add or remove cards to get a smooth curve, meaning you have a good number of each drop along the scale. However, if your highest drop is fairly high (let's say 7), you don't have to have 5 and 6 drops between if you don't want. Usually if you have a card like that you plan on drawing out the game long enough to play it.
bootsncatsn says... #2
I divide my deck via 22 lands, 26creatures then 12 spells for an even 60 cards.
Of those 26 creatures, 8 of them cost 1 mana, 8-12 of them cost 2 mana, then the rest cost between 3-4 mana to play.The spells I have follow that pattern but are cheaper than my creatures in general. Usually of that 12 spells, 6 of them are instances, the other 6 are sorceries. The instances are all usually 1-2mana to play and the sorceries are 1-4mana to play.
As a general rule, I dont have anything above 4 mana. And most of my cards cost 1-2 mana to play. So Im always playing something until I get those very big cards in my deck.
October 13, 2013 11:02 a.m.