Many deck ideas

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 22, 2011, 6:30 p.m. by xo2

So, over the past week I've had many ideas going through my head for standard decks. I'm not sure which ones would be most successful, so I'm asking you, the tappedout community, which of the following ideas would be most successful, or post your own deck.

Tezzeret: underused in today's meta, I want to use black sun, sphere of the sun's, tumble magnet. I it's tricolor, then travelers amulet is a sure bet. Coupled with wurmcoil and some exsanguinate as a back up finisher. Control being 3 dissipate, 2 negate, and a mana leak. 2/2 split of doom blade and gftt.

almost worlds wolf run. It would run Trigon of Rage and my secret tech: spikeshot elder. I actually have most of the cards for this deck, so it would be easier to get what I need.

Grixis mill deck with swords because there will be creatures(only my 2 sowap I own). Probably some 3 drop mill dude, alchemy, all 3 titans, sphere of the sun's, and my reanimation spell portsmorten-lunge, grimoire of the dead and think twice. I would use Olivia, but she has tripled in price recently, so she's probebly out of trade range.

As always, feel free to post your own deck thats an undiscovered deck.

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