Mill help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 12, 2012, 2:52 a.m. by vexxecon

So this is my Mill deck.

I'm going to be taking it to FNM this week to give it a go in standard play. Any tips to help me tweak it into a quick milling machine? Right now I can count on ~30-40 cards by turn 8, with half of my last 10 play tests granting me that much two turns earlier, and the best of them granting me a cool 113 by turn 13.

Any tweaks you can come up with to smooth it out? And yes, I'm staying mono blue.

vexxecon says... #2

Just for sake of curiosity on your part, My first few turns are usually set up like this:


Turn 1-Thought Scour or Dream Twist

Turn 2-Mind Sculpt or Dream Twist Flashback

Turn 3-Curse of the Bloody Tome or Mind Sculpt and Dream Twist or Dream Twist Flashback and Thought Scour

Sub Optimal:

Turn 1-card:Jace's Phantasm or Elixir of Immortality Dream Twist and card:Jace's Phantasm or Dream Twist and Elixir of Immortality or card:Jace's Phantasm and Elixir of Immortality or Doorkeeper or Fog Bank

From there, I usually maintain keeping up Mind Sculpt , Dream Twist and Dream Twist Flashbacks, Thought Scour , plus any number of other combinations depending on what I have on the field at any given time(Doorkeeper 's ability, Sands of Delirium ), while I wait for the mana for Jace, Memory Adept , at which point they're down a sizable amount, and hopefully a turn from drawing out.

November 12, 2012 3:18 a.m.

zandl says... #3

Right now, it's a lot easier to play a Control deck and then have mill (namely Jace, Memory Adept ) as your win-condition.

Aggressive mill right now just can't work. You'll get steam-rolled by aggro 100% of the time.

November 12, 2012 3:30 a.m.

vexxecon says... #4

I've run my deck as it sits against all my friends' decks(most of them are aggro), and I win about 80% of the time due to the speed at which I can discard their decks. The 20% I don't get it is when they get that trusty combo off that steam-rolls pretty much anyone.

November 12, 2012 4:28 a.m.

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