mill help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2014, 11:44 p.m. by bunkerjared
Whats a good deck to use against a mill deck in standard
jaggthemiller says... #3
mill is a slow base to run. (to mill 100% ) you need to control your opponent to mill them ..the usual big mill decks just run jace and a couple other mill cards...some ways to beat them is Elixir of Immortality like cschiller said or you can run a heavy aggro deck..beat there life down before they can mill you. another way..aggro creatures or burns ..or you can even try to counter control. if they cant play any spells they cant mill you..any really good deck should eb able to beat mill. so just have a better deck :P
March 11, 2014 11:59 p.m.
koth_of_the_bummer says... #4
Besides Elixir of Immortality you may want to make them taste a dose of their own medicine using Psychic Spiral
March 12, 2014 12:05 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #5
Psychic Spiral is to slow competitively. i ran mill for the longest time when i first started to play...a mill deck is amazing in ffa where everyone is attacking eachother. i have won so many games off Psychic Spiral in ffa..but i wouldn't run it in a competitive standard deck
cschiller says... #2
Elixir of Immortality , scry lands
March 11, 2014 11:46 p.m.