mill in standard
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 22, 2013, 7:30 p.m. by Sagi007
After reading 1 of the posts on the forems wanted to try a milldeck. things is i normally dont play it and dont know of anyone playing it since Nephalia Drownyard left standard.
And so Nightmares on Fire was made and while i generally would prefer to use a BUG build for Abrupt Decay and Putrefy i feel the cheap wipe known as Anger of the Gods is better suited to fend of aggro.
PS: while i havent put this deck together(all card are owned but in other decks) i wonder if its capable of going FNM without failing badly. dont need to win it all but winning 3 out of 5 and i can be happy about the deckperformance.
Well, Mill in Standard is tough to pull off especially because there are so many quick decks out there...decks that can smash you in 5-6 turns at the most...some quicker, some slightly slower. Mill takes a little longer, and sometimes it will work, but most of the time it will end up just getting crushed underneath a speedy deck. What a mill deck needs is something to protect it while its win condition is set up. In my own Mill deck My Power Mill Deck I use Wall of Frost to help keep me alive while I get Jace, Memory Adept out to mill them down to nothing.
Just my thoughts.
Sagi007 says... #2
lets try that again Nightmares on Fire
December 22, 2013 7:32 p.m.