Mimic Vat B/W Ally's vs. U/W Control

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 31, 2010, 8:53 p.m. by drewt911

I played a black white ally deck this game day. Luckily I played against someone who didn't know what they were doing in mtg at all first round. Second round I was able to pull out wins against valakut thanks to tectonic edge and bala ged theif. What I was not able to beat, however, was a blue white green planeswalker control. I sided in duress and memoricide, but neither saw play in my hand. Whats the best way to deal with blue white control? (Note: I realize Vampire hexmage would help deal with planeswalkers, but I need quick answers to day of judgement)

Battlecry1986 says... #2

Youre looking at this all wrong. Day of Judgment is the answer, best u can do is buffer.

The things that can help (in your colors) would be cards that let you bring creatures back Disentomb , Dead Reckoning or a well timed Sun Titan , cards with natural protection from White like Black Knight or cards that have the ever powerful Indestructible ability like Deathless Angel .

November 1, 2010 2:20 p.m.

Battlecry1986 says... #3

And if you can developed psychic powers Silence would help.

November 1, 2010 2:26 p.m.

Sem48 says... #4

Silly post aside, Battlecry1986 has a point with Sun Titan . It is a great card that can keep bringing your allies back, and is absolutely ridiculous on a Mimic Vat .

From my experience, if you can beat control at the CA game, you pretty much win. And always get rid of their Jace 2.0 ASAP. It always screws that plan up. It is either win the CA game, or go aggro. From my experience, the B/W ally build is slower compared to the other viable builds(especially Naya Allies), so that may not be the best route to take.

So basically try and win my CA(Mimic Vat, Bala Ged Thief, and Sun Titan) or try and aggro your way to a way(weenie allies HO!).

Good luck. :D

November 2, 2010 9:32 a.m.

Justice says... #5

I would keep a fourth Mimic Vat sided for the nukes, if you only run 3 like most people. It helps you recover, especially if you can Doom Blade someone's Sun Titan and put it on the Vat.

November 2, 2010 12:53 p.m.

LeakyBucket says... #6

I don't know what you are playing with now but Liquimetal Coating and artifact hate work well to slow control. They need land like everyone else after all.

November 4, 2010 12:18 p.m.

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