Mimic Vat question
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 30, 2010, 8:56 p.m. by drewt911
Alright I recently made a r/g mimic vat deck centered around eldrazi creating creatures (kozilek's predator, nest invade, emrakuls hatcher etc.) also, i have primeval titan in it. The center of the deck is mimic vat for assistance in ramping and win condition. Now, can mimic vat be activated on your opponents end step, the token come into play, and then your turn be activated again causing another token (ideally green titan) and then swing both for a total of 8 lands gained????? is that even legal? seems broken, however, the card read "exile it at the beginning of the next end step" so wouldn't it originally be activated during your opponents end step? Please help....
Correct, By it saying next end step it will survive the current end step and swing for massive damage and land advantage. Remember though, if you do that you will not be able to do it next turn unless you untap it somehow.
Mimic Vat is so much fun.. and broken, if used right and you have figured it out nicely.
December 1, 2010 12:12 a.m.
I agree with Mpz5. Mimic vat is one of the most insanely borderline broken cards I have come across in a while lol I plan on making every deck I actually make with mimic vats...save for tokens builds.Heck..check out these two decks and tell em waht you think if you will? I plan on running one of them at the upcoming FNM hopefully! I have one called Red Black Sarkhan Vat, and the other is Recursion.dec
ballard302 says... #2
Yes, all that can be done with mimic vat.
November 30, 2010 10:16 p.m.