Mino Aggro
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2014, 9:11 a.m. by kommandr
I am looking for help on my minotaur aggro deck, will it survive against Mono-Blue or Black? Any thoughts on improvements?
Thanks Kommandr
Mino Aggro
I am looking for help on my minotaur aggro deck, will it survive against Mono-Blue or Black? Any thoughts on improvements?
Thanks Kommandr
kommandr says... #2
I swapped a few things around to show the final deck.
My FNM Experience was as such:Match 1: Sliver ControlGot the cards I needed and the board wipes I needed to keep him from casting the big cards to control the board. He had no answer to Deathbellow and was done quick. (2-0)
Match 2: White WeenieI got my cards out quick and he did not. This was against our shop judge and I was surprised by how well I did. Although my cards came in tapped through the first match due to Blind Obedience I was able to stay ahead of his weenies to finish him pretty quick. (4-0)
Match 3: Mono Blue DevotionLet's just say I was Mana-Screwed into detention by his Douche-bagery. He won the tournament and was a pretty nice guy but you could tell he was playing a Tournament Net Deck. Highlight of the match was using Duress twice on him to eliminate 2 planeswalkers. (4-2)
Match 4: Red AggroSince my deck was similar to this one I was out classed by this Tournament Net Deck. First Hand I mulled to 6 and was on the draw. He did some shenanigans once he had board presence and countered most of my cards. Second hand was better and we were in a race. I had him down to 4 and I was at 8 when he skull cracked me and swung for 6, I blocked and he followed up with a lighting strike to end it. (4-4)
I took 7th in the tournament and was pleased with my first showing at a standard tournament.
Thanks for the help!
January 11, 2014 11 p.m.