Mizzium Skin or Apostle's Blessing?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 15, 2013, 4:03 p.m. by DeletedNow4ever
I have Apostle's Blessing in my infect deck right now, but because it is mono blue I'm wondering if I should switch to Mizzium Skin because of the better casting cost and the all around hexproof vs protection from one color. I think I may have too many phyrexian mana cards in this deck and I'm starting to think that Mizzium Skin is the better card for my shell. Any commnents or suggestions are very welcome.
MTGprojectzer0 says... #3
Apostle's Blessing is much better than Mizzium Skin IMO after looking through your deck-list. Apostle's Blessing protects your creatures and your artifacts! Don't forget that after game 1, opponents may target the Runechanter's Pike if it saw play and you will want some protection for it. Also, your sideboard seems to have heavy artifacts, so Apostle's Blessing will have a bigger role of responsibility.
Furthermore, as Smith_and_Tonic did mention, you will want your late-game push. Apostle's Blessing does that as well. Infect decks are strong in the early game rush, but once they hit late game, they lose steam quickly.
Also, note that while you run mono-blue, your early games tend to have opening of colourless mana and when that happens, Mizzium Skin is a pretty dead draw. Since you are concerned with poison counters, your 20-life points is a valuable resource to be abused with phyrexian cards. Don't worry too much about your life total as your deck should be fast enough to end the games by turn 3, or latest by turn 4.
July 15, 2013 4:31 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #4
Yea, you covered the good points I had in mind when putting Apostle's Blessing in the deck. So in your opinion this deck should do ok in modern??
July 15, 2013 6:42 p.m.
MTGprojectzer0 says... #5
Hmm.. You can't go wrong with infect. Check out my page, I have 2 modern decks (think 1 was archived) or check out other modern decks in tappedout and have a playtesting to see the deck's strength. Also, playing with other people irl will give a better answer as to whether the deck works. But, as said, you can't go wrong with infect.
Smith_and_Tonic says... #2
Apostle's Blessing is better because it allows you to get damage through later in the game if the opponent has some blockers. Mizzium Skin does not allow this.
July 15, 2013 4:20 p.m.