Modern Competitive decks

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 9, 2014, 6:50 p.m. by Magiclover318

For those who don't know, it's currently affinity and kiki pod in the finals for the GP Richmond.

I am curious how you guys think my deck will perform against affinity and pod decks.

No One Can Save You Now

Slycne says... #2

Not super well honestly.

Affinity is going to dump out cards much faster than you can deal with them. While you have a plethora of removal, basically almost every card in the deck is 2 mana. With little else in the curve you're stuck trying to interact T2 and T3 with only a single 2 CMC spell each turn, putting you way behind tempo on most any decks in modern - not just affinity.

Likewise, pod is going to give you fits since most of their creatures are resilient to removal. With no way to really gain card advantage save Sign in Blood , they are just going to grind you out.

Your sideboard also seems ill prepared. While it's got a decent amount of utility, it lacks a lot of power. There are some absolutely hateful and match hosing sideboard cards in modern. It depends a lot on what your meta is like though, but you don't need to play a bunch of fair 1-for-1 cards.

Suggestions - I would go up to at least 6 1 CMC effects. A split of Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize is often seen, with the other 2 in the board. This gives you solid games against the combo decks and the extra 1 CMC spells helps to grease the wheels and use all your mana up each turn. It's also time to stop hating on Liliana of the Veil as well. She's arguably the strongest card in your colors and she bumps up your actually pretty anemic devotion. 1-2 Maelstrom Pulse would not be a terrible idea. Victim of Night might actually be better than Doom Blade . That small pool of creatures is likely smaller than the number of relevant black creatures in modern. Diversify the sideboard, it's hard to say without knowing what kind of decks you face, but their's no good reason to be running like 4 Pithing Needle in the board.

March 9, 2014 7:44 p.m.

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