Modern Dead Skred
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 20, 2020, 1:31 p.m. by car
Looking for help on a black red snow control build featuring Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger as well as Dead of Winter and Skred. is the Deck. Thank you for your time
Oh thats not my deck I'm sorry it is a different deck with the same name. please go to my profile to check the deck as I am not sure how to post it here.
April 21, 2020 8:56 a.m.
Magnanimous says... #4
Ok, your deck looks much more sensible than the one I saw. I don't like Fatal Push as you have tons of more versatile removal that will also kill anything it could. I also don't understand Torment of Hailfire, but if it works then it works. I think Eternal Scourge, Bloodghast, a phoenix, or Goblin Rabblemaster would be better than Walking Ballista as you've got all the removal you'll need. Also disappointed there's no Koth of the Hammer, but understand the reasoning. There's no great card advantage, but it's up to you and testing to see if you have time to play card advantage spells (Phyrexian Arena for example) or if you even need them.
April 21, 2020 9:14 a.m.
The main card advantage is seasoned pyromancer. What threat do you think would be better than walking ballista I was talking to toolmaster and realized its not that good. phyexian arena is a good idea but I have no lifegain so I may end up just clocking myself.
April 21, 2020 9:39 a.m.
Magnanimous says... #7
I think of Seasoned Pyromancer as filtering, not card advantage. I may have been a little too strong when pushing for card advantage (I value it way too highly) as this deck can often build up early board presence, wrath, or get a Blood Moon down and then win instead of playing the long game. You also may not need dedicated card advantage cards if the game does go long given your planeswalkers, Blood Moon, and especially Scrying Sheets.
I didn't know Yidaro, Wandering Monster existed and now I'm in love with it, so thank you for that, but I'm not sure it fits well within the deck given it's so slow. I think Koth of the Hammer is a scary, scary threat, but it's a tad expensive and not great against creatures. Against control, maybe Goblin Rabblemaster as a fast clock that leaves multiple bodies.
April 21, 2020 1:48 p.m.
Did you go to the right deck? Yidaro is just a cantrip until it comes out as an 8/8 haste trample or you can cast it. It is also card filtering.
April 21, 2020 2:21 p.m.
additionally you can side the turtle out and it leaves you 4 sb spaces if its bad for the match
April 21, 2020 2:41 p.m.
Magnanimous says... #11
Sorry for the confusion, Koth was meant as a suggestion.
Also, Yidaro is not card filtering. It does not dig for cards, does not give card advantage, and does not filter cards. When you are cycling them, you are essentially paying 2 to see your draw for turn. Side it in against tap out control that doesn't have many instant speed answers or taps out frequently maybe, but even then I'd prefer Koth.
April 21, 2020 10:50 p.m.
i decided to add more of other things i already had like lili and seasoned pyromancer as well as adding one waste not. What are your thoughts on waste not as a one of in here.
April 21, 2020 11:14 p.m.
Magnanimous says... #13
Generally, Waste Not is a spicy build around card but not particularly useful in a midrange or goodstuff deck. Best case scenario, you're getting free zombies and cards off of an active Lili or a stray K-command, which means you're probably winning anyways. In that event, you're already doing ok and any unexpected mana from it would likely be useless.
April 21, 2020 11:57 p.m.
added lightning skelemental and thinking about adding dreadhorde archanist. gonna try it out a few times and see how it goes
Magnanimous says... #2
First, please don't put just a cry for help, give us something to work with (I need help deciding between threats...).
I love this deck. One thing that confused me was the creatures. I think that generally you should be controlling and you should side into an aggressive deck with Goblin Rabblemaster against slower decks OR you should have late game bombs (like Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger), but Pia and Kiran Nalaar and Stormbreath Dragon are midrange creatures that don't fit into either category. I like control, so I'd try to put more control cards in their place, like Dreadbore (I'm scared of playing without good PW removal) or Thoughtseize. Alternatively, you could look for more proactive options that are resilient (I like Bloodghast). Otherwise, looks good.
A few combos in red that I like but aren't particularly competitive: Greater Gargadon + Ichor Wellspring/Bloodghast. Boom / Bust + Darksteel Citadel/Flagstones of Trokair (which can fetch your colors with a single Sacred Foundry or Godless Shrine in the deck).
April 21, 2020 8:50 a.m.