Modern Ensoul-a-Thopter deck help
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 24, 2022, 2:09 p.m. by CRKFIEND
I need some suggestions. I've made this deck, and I really like it, although it seems like I'm missing SOMETHING that would take the deck over-the-top. What would you guys recommend for edits/cuts/adds? Thanks for your help!
wallisface I'm VERY new to Modern. I've been a Commander player for years, but decided to make a modern deck to compete at local events. When I playtest this deck It has been very reliable at doing 20 damage by turn four, and sometimes even turn 3. What options would you recommend I do to try and make this a shade more aggressive?
May 27, 2022 1:58 p.m.
wallisface says... #4
CRKFIEND firstly just looking at your deck now, Phyrexian Walker isn’t modern legal.
If you’re just looking for a hyper-aggressive artifact deck, i’d suggest turning this into more of an affinity build. Example decklist here (note this deck is super-affordable by modern standards, and performs very well as an aggro deck)
I think if you’re wanting to stick strictly to the enchanting-artifact plan, there’s three things you’ll need to focus on:
your land count feels really low considering your number of 3cmc spells - especially when you consider you’ll often be wanting to enchant & attack with one of your lands. I’d be going up to 22-23 personally.
its basically costing you two cards to make one creature. If your opponent is able to interact with you in 1-for-1 trades you’re going to quickly run out if resources. I’d suggest finding ways to draw cards to negate that concession. The before-mentioned Thought Monitor can be a good starting point for this.
Your deck is just not going to be as fast as other aggro decks out there, and realistically might be quite fragile to interaction. I think you need interaction of your own, playing as more of a “midrange” style deck, with killspells, and either counterspells or hand-disruption.
wallisface says... #2
Two cards i’m surprised aren’t in the deck are Thought Monitor and Spellstutter Sprite.
Outside of that, your deck is lacking any meaningful interaction, which i think is going to hurt you a lot - your deck isn’t fast enough to race aggro, or has the value-plays to outlast midrange/control. I think your biggest focus should be on making sure you can disrupt the opponents plans consistently.
May 24, 2022 5:58 p.m.