modern jund grisel - need help
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 19, 2013, 3:29 p.m. by Khanye
i was thinking about swapping the Lightning Bolt with Thunderous Wrath . viable? my reasoning is, the deck is inclined to win by reanimating Griselbrand and just going off. Thunderous Wrath becomes a dead card if it is not miracled, but then again so is Lightning Bolt as it will most likely be discarded to cast Fury of the Horde for free. The advantage that Thunderous Wrath does get is, should I get a chance to miracle it, It can burn down just about thing they will throw my way, or shoot them for 5 in the face.
also, does thoughseize actually fit in this deck? or should try to add more draw engines to speed up the finisher?