Modern Jund Ooze
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 27, 2019, 12:55 a.m. by MtgSalt
Could use some help making this competitive. I own most of the cards except the creatures. I dont want to buy anything else until its close to complete, budget reasons, so i havent play tested this yet. I do want to keep Oozes in each color for flavor reasons. What else would people suggest? Deck has been updated to advice.
loricatuslupus says... #3
Ps sorry obviously you have the deck list right there, it didn't open for me the first time for some reason.
August 27, 2019 4:27 a.m.
Ill make a whole new page for the cards you said to add in. You mentioned very synergistic cards that work great, and a few cards to take out, but the cards you said to take out change the whole deck.
The cards you said to take out make the deck go off on turn 3, obviously with the right hand/draw. Necrotic Ooze gets their abilities, and Scavenging Ooze eliminates what cards i don't need to gain life and counters. Devoted Druid & Morselhoarder are infinite Green & Any color. I'm not sure if you knew that so i was just putting it out there. Since my lazy ass didn't make a primer or post any strategy whatsoever.
I do need to add interaction, thats another thing i suck at. I usually worry about my own deck instead of other people's and it does get me killed ha.
Taking out Font of Agonies for sure, ill throw in the Lightning Bolt s, i have some laying around.
The other thing that needs work yes is the land. I am horrible at the land fix. Blood Crypt , wow i dont know what i was thinking. For some reason i thought it was like 20$ plus. I will definitely add them. I will also add some Raging Ravine s to the deck. They would work well since you can activate the ability more than once and the counters stack. Thank you for the suggestion.
This is copy and pasted from the actual page so you can choose what to reply on. Painfully it has no card links i have kids yanking on my clothes while i'm typing this, ill edit later.
August 27, 2019 12:11 p.m.
loricatuslupus you right about removal i need to give it alot of thought also Pithing Needle for the Karn, the Great Creator and Walking Ballista decks. It is a devoted druid bant deck that plays those. 4 is probably too many.
loricatuslupus says... #2
Deck link? I assume you mean Ooze Jund though?
I actually have an Ooze-centred deck (Classic Jund-er!) and while it's not super competitive I've got a few thoughts based on my own experiences. First, I'd drop Cryptbreaker : you've got no cards that benefit from being discarded, and only two that utilise the cards once they're in the graveyard. Playing on the counters theme are Corpsejack Menace and Winding Constrictor . The latter is the perfect follow-up to Bloodhall Ooze as they give it four counters a turn regardless of anything else on the field while the former is really just a win-more that will see your counters getting out of control very quickly. Neither play well with Devoted Druid but I'm not convinced you need him anyway as your mana base is pretty strong, if lacking Raging Ravine and perhaps a basic Forest or two. Speaking of, if you think you can handle the triple green you might want to think about Predator Ooze as a one or two-of. Next, are Doom Whisperer or Morselhoarder contributing meaningfully to your game plan? Considering the the theme, I would suggest replacing the higher-end gribblies with a more synergistic payoff such as Biogenic Ooze as well as including a fourth Walking Ballista . Acidic Slime is very versatile as well but probably not worth the main board, perhaps it could replace Wickerbough Elder ?
Other than its creatures, Jund's main strengths are all about being interactive. First is hand disruption, so including some discard spells is practically obligatory. Whether you want to go with any of the first turn options ( Duress et al) or the retro Blightning is up to you, but the former is probably of more value for this deck and gives it a strong opener that sets back your opponent while giving you information. On the removal front I would cut Font of Agonies because you simply don't have enough ways to repeatably pay life consistently early on and is a dead draw later. The fact that it is also an enchantment that your opponent knows you have and can play around or simply destroy once you get to three counters really puts the nail in its coffin. The truth is that Jund is spoiled for choice when it comes to destroying anything, even on a limited budget you've got access to Lightning Bolt , Putrefy and Terminate . Then if you want to upgrade you can look into Fatal Push , Abrupt Decay / Assassin's Trophy , Maelstrom Pulse and Kolaghan's Command . Vessel of Nascency also feels very sub-par and is rather mana hungry: Jund in all its flavours is about that Dat Walue and three mana for one card doesn't feel like a good deal. Especially when, again, you've no Tarmogoyf s or other things that want a graveyard stacked with different card types. Both oozes looking in that direction prefer a creature-based diet, so focus on attacking, making aggressive trades and simply blowing up any creatures your opponent brings out.
Sideboard I'll avoid commenting on unless you have a specific question because it's pretty meta-dependant, though four Pithing Needle s seems like a lot. Any card in particular giving you trouble? Anyway hope that helps, or at least gives you something to think about.
August 27, 2019 4:25 a.m.