Modern Sideboard Assistance

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 11, 2013, 9:47 a.m. by actiontech

My deck for this week:

deck chart Soul to Soulei


I play modern only sparingly. I have this deck and a GW boggles deck but I'm planning to take this one to FNM this go around. Mostly what I've seen in the past has been a mix of Twin, RG Tron, Pod, a couple of Jund decks and one guy running scapeshift. I think I may want to pop in Aven Mindcensor for the tron and scapeshift matches but I'm not sure what to remove. Or maybe it's just a bad idea entirely.

Anyway, if you modern experts could review the deck and especially the sideboard and make any suggestions I'd very much appreciate it. I'm pretty new to the format so any help would be great.

Slycne says... #2

I think you could drop the whole Surgical Extraction plan. Against most of these decks you're going to be the aggressor, so you don't need to answer them so much as disrupt them long enough. For example, sure it's nice to make sure they don't even make tron, but if you're not fast enough to beat them to naturally dropping Wurmcoil Engine and such because you used a card up then that sideboard plan isn't worth it. Which is why something like Aven Mindcensor is nice because it disrupts while still presenting a threat.

December 11, 2013 10:06 a.m.

actiontech says... #3

Okay so I'm pretty much sold on Aven Mindcensor getting at least 2, probably 3 spots in the deck. I'd like to see them in the main since I don't run fetches I think it can really stall out a ton of opponents. Looking for opinions on what to pull to plug in the birds.

December 11, 2013 10:20 a.m.

Kre says... #4

I would say probably the first cut you could make are the 2 Auriok Champion . The are certainly nice when the most common card in the format is Lightning Bolt and when you hit the occasional red deck, but there are enough decks that they just end up being overcosted version of your one drops.

Squeezing in the 3rd would likely mean shaving a card somewhere. I haven't played the deck enough to know what's least important, maybe 1 of the Path to Exile or Honor of the Pure .

December 11, 2013 10:48 a.m.

actiontech says... #5

Okay, made several changes based on the suggestions here and on the deck page. Removed the 2x Auriok Champion s and 1 Ranger of Eos to plug in 3x Aven Mindcensor . Also adjusted the sideboard completely and dropped the Surgical Extraction plan.

I may remove the other 2 rangers as well since they are equally hosed by the bird wizard. I can replace them with 2 additional sisters. Good idea? Bad?

December 11, 2013 11:58 a.m.

Slycne says... #6

While having that interactions is certainly bad. The 3-for-1 value of Ranger of Eos is really hard to give up fully. You sometimes need it to grind through the heavy spot removal of modern and to fuel your Martyr of Sands . Also, Aven Mindcensor tends to draw hate pretty quick too, and Ranger of Eos is at least not laughably bad at 3 power for 4. I would try to keep them for now.

December 11, 2013 12:13 p.m.

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