Modern UB?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 22, 2013, 3:06 a.m. by DaggerV
So I've been playing around with various modern deck, most of them mostly budget due to no interest in getting money cards. However as time went on and I've started to acquire stuff through trade, I started to wonder what kind of deck I would make if resource wasn't so limited. After dancing around with Jund for a good long while, I decided to go bug instead with the sole intent of getting using of Vendilion Clique s and various blue spells, since I miss playing blue. I thought bug would be a good one in a tight sphere due to getting full use out of Deathrite Shaman and various other RtR goodstuff I already had that was making an impact here and there. Throw in fetchlands, removals, counters, goyfs, maybe a dark confidance for card advantage, and chip away.
Then my thoughts drifted to how I was bitter about giving up Blightning even though I am told it sees less play these days, Terminate , Lightning Bolt or even Slaughter Games which has served me well. At the end of the day I thought I was only giving up goyf if I went full grixis.
Then my thoughts turned to Esper, and I started to toy with different cards, biggest one being the favorite goto removals in modern, Path to Exile , but really couldn't think of much else.
Could drop black and go Bant. Tarmogoyf , Geist of Saint Traft , Detention Sphere , and what not.
Now my mind is just wandering all over the bloody place. I figured I'd sit down with the mighty crew of TappedOut as you guys try and rip into what's good, what's bad, what you don't think will work so I can more than likely run back in full circles :D
Though mostly I'm wandering about the BUG idea, hastenly thrown together but you get the idea.
Curve is a bit on the low end for Life from the Loam , but Raven's Crime is a pretty good idea though, throw in that life draining retrace card and that'd make for a downward spiral if I can hold the position. Interesting combo indeed. Gifts was mostly a give me a bunch of removals or give me a snapcaster so I can still remove your junk. I don't know how effective it really is however. Peer from the Dept wasn't cutting it and Impulse isn't modern, or would be banned if it was I believe.
I sorta have a gift-rites I guess it's called deck made in WUB, though I favored Jin-Gitaxian over Elesh Norn whom went into sideboard depending on what decks I was facing. I was mostly having issues with Tron and Jin made it easier for me to keep things in my favor.
Tradeylouish says... #2
If you're running 4x Gifts Ungiven , you might want to consider throwing in some good Gifts packages. Life from the Loam + Raven's Crime is in your colours, but if you choose to play white you get Unburial Rites + Iona, Shield of Emeria / Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite .
October 22, 2013 3:40 a.m.