Mono Black Deck Tech Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2014, 11:56 p.m. by Rocknj06
Hi. I'm currently in the earlier building stages of my deck Voices of the Silent which is an aggro mono black deck. While I have the direction I would like to take it set, I'm questioning a few decisions.
Question 1: Do I play Rat Pack mainboard or sideboard. While I love the card, I can win without it. And to play it correctly, you should put everything into them. I see him more as an answer to other black decks and possibly decks that ramp into big creatures.
Question 2: Do I really need Desecration Demon . I already removed one to bring him down to two. Removing him will curve me out at 3 and possibly allow me to drop one or two swamps to fit in more creatures or removal.
Question 3: Do I really need Underworld Connections . I'm having hard time justifying putting it in here. The only time I drop it is when I have no other move to make. However, I don't like to run a deck without card draw if it is available in the colors I'm using. I do have 3 Blood Scrivener which allows my top deck game go smoother. I am considering adding a couple Pain Seer in place of the Underworld Connections .
Question 4: Currently I am running 4 Ultimate Price , but I can't seem to shake the thoughts that Doom Blade should be in here. Do I exchange the Ultimate Price in favor of Doom Blade , run a 2/2 split between the two, or keep it as is?
Question 5: Do I continue running Xathrid Necromancer
or replace him. Currently only eleven of the 26 creatures could benefit from him, however even if it were just him, he is a two-for-one card and that is just something you do not laugh at. I could replace him with something like Rakdos Shred-Freak
or Thrill-Kill Assassin
which would make the deck run faster, or find away to include those cards in order for me to benefit form the Xathrid Necromancer
a little more.
Please take a few minutes to help me find the answers to my deck. I would really like this to be able to compete at the next FNM I am able to attend to in a couple of weeks.
originally it was devotion, but i just kept speeding it up and really lost the need for the devotion. I only need devotion for Mogis's Marauder
and even then, each creature on the field adds the necessary devotion needed in order to make my creatures swing through for lethal.
March 12, 2014 12:16 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #4
the devotion card you should be playing is Gray Merchant of Asphodel
March 12, 2014 12:22 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #5
if your going to play devotion this is the deck
if you want to just play mono black you can make your own creature if you like it
March 12, 2014 12:26 a.m.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel will get his deck from me, but more for casual play, but a deck non the less. In my tests, I've been able to win whether or not I would be able to drop Gray Merchant of Asphodel on turn 5. So, really I can't see myself slowing the deck down just to use him. I mean, if anything I'd replace the Desecration Demon with him.
March 12, 2014 12:29 a.m.
jaggthemiller says... #7
i feel like Tormented Hero can be replaced with soemthing better. but 1 for 2/1 is good and triggers your necromancer
jaggthemiller says... #2
there is something you have to consider when making a deck. you are aloud to make your own deck. another thing you have to know about making ''mono black deck'' is you have to know if you want ''mono black'' or ''mono black devotion'' the reason why Desecration Demon and Underworld Connections is played (other then they are good) is they bring devotion to the deck mostly for this guy Gray Merchant of Asphodel ..pack rat is good because you can multiply him making him a card like Voice of Resurgence ..about Xathrid Necromancer the options you want to replace him are not good enough. he gives control to the board if your creatures die. they come you have to ask you want a mono black or a mono black devotion deck
March 12, 2014 12:11 a.m.