Mono-G Flash vs tokens
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 1, 2014, 10:20 a.m. by meecht
I went 2-2 last night with my Mono-G flash homebrew, [here-comes-the-boon-fnm-update]]. Both of my losses can be attributed to tokens, namely Elspeth, Sun's Champion (and AEtherling , but that's a given).
How can I combat tokens? I'd like to maintain the theme, but I've been considering a black splash for Illness in the Ranks and/or Golgari Charm , with a heavy lean towards the charm.
just run Pithing Needle to deal with planeswalkers as well as aetherling
March 1, 2014 11:39 a.m.
Thanks for that, InconspicuousPotato. I didn't realize I missed the first [.
Pithing Needle is something I'll probably add over Unravel the Aether since gods haven't been a huge problem.
InconspicuousPotato says... #2
Here Comes the Boon! (FNM UPDATE!)
March 1, 2014 11 a.m.