Mono Green Essentials

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 19, 2014, 12:05 a.m. by HeltonJames68

I am new to mtg and due to my friends using me as an excuse to rid their commons and uncommon cards, I have a huge amount of Green. so of course, I made a mono green deck(Strictly Standard). I'ts OK right now and I have placed a few rares in it so it's not a pauper deck, I just would like to know some essential cards when trying to play a mono green deck, or if I should make a green and some other color deck, or just splash into another color using dual lands. I love constructive criticism and I'm looking to surpass the skill of my friends who have been playing 3+ years so anything will help lol Thank you!

meecht says... #2

One of the top decks right now is G/R Monsters. You can check out decklists at .

February 19, 2014 12:13 a.m.

acky12489 says... #3

In my opinion it will really just depend on how much $ you're willing to put into it. If money isnt really a problem I'd suggest doing g/r monsters, but if you're on a tight budget you could probably build a fairly nasty monogreen devotion deck for fairly cheap using things like Arbor Colossus , Sylvan Primordial ,and even Worldspine Wurm if you wanted to go really over the top.

February 19, 2014 12:19 a.m.

HeltonJames68 says... #4

Thank you, I can see myself using Arbor Colossus because my friends are always taking advantage of my lack of flyers, so that could potentially be my kill spell if I play it with my Giant Growth + Hunter's Prowess + Slaughterhorn (bloodrush) which is what i love playing cards with as a buff combo. Seeing is people are likely to just block when they see a creature has trample then you kill them with the buffs lol thank you for the input

February 19, 2014 12:28 a.m.

HeltonJames68 says... #5

I would try and play a G/R but i don't have the money right now to buy all the boosters but i'll definitely keep that in mind for when I receive my tax returns lol

February 19, 2014 12:30 a.m.

mathimus55 says... #6

If I were you I'd just buy the singles. Buying boosters is fun, I always enjoy opening them but if you're trying to build a deck you're gonna save a TON of money buying the singles. is the best website to get the best prices IMO. Takes out all the randomness and gets what you want without the random crap you'll never use

February 19, 2014 12:48 a.m.

Oletorpedo says... #7

If you want to make use of your devotion to green, and like buff spells such as Giant Growth i recommend Aspect of Hydra . It can be very dangerous if your devotion is high enough. Karametra's Acolyte is a good ramp spell for devotion too.Burning-Tree Emissary is also a good card that makes devoting easier.

Other cards.. Deadbridge Goliath , Skarrg Goliath (not a card that's being used a lot, but a personal favourite =)), Courser of Kruphix , Scavenging Ooze , Kalonian Hydra (this is a pricey one), Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid are all cards to look out for.

February 19, 2014 2:20 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #8

Howl of the Nightpack is a fun finisher in mono geen.

February 19, 2014 3:23 a.m.

HeltonJames68 says... #9

Thanks for all of the helpful insight guys, I'm definitely going to make good use of all of the tips and I'm going to be doing some good things to this deck in the near future when school isn't being so needy lol i'll invest money into individuals, seems like I could get a much more solid deck doing that anyway and most good cards that will complete a deck aren't all that expensive, besides like Kalonian Hydra and Garruk planes walkers, Thanks everyone!

February 19, 2014 7:03 a.m.

mathimus55 says... #10

Good luck man! Post your ideas too!

February 19, 2014 11:12 a.m.

HeltonJames68 says... #11

ok guys so I was thinking before I do anything else with my deck i should try and get my hands on a planes walker and then base my deck around the planes walker to get maximum damage from all of the things that he would be able to do but i don't know what planes walker to use, I know that a lot of people enjoy using Garruk, Caller of Beasts but ill have to look around to see which will contour to my personal playing style. Does anyone have any opinions on Experiment One ? I've heard that he is a great card to play in a mono green for the one drop evolve and the fact that you van regenerate him for a zero cost by removing two +1/+1 counters from him. Also I would like that aggro aspect of them because you could be doing some great damage with them by round four if you play a Kalonian Tusker on round two, giving you a +2/+2 and a +3/+3 on the field and if on round 3 you can play a simple three drop 3/3 or 4/4 (Which I don't know of any 4/4 three drops) you could have some pretty good board advantage, and then you could easily buff alpha for round four. Just an idea of mine I don't how smoothly it would all play out though. Any insights on that?

February 19, 2014 5:57 p.m.

Oletorpedo says... #12

Experiment One is good. Very good! Kalonian Tusker isn't bad either, but wouldn't be my first choice for a 2-mana drop. Burning-Tree Emissary , i think, is the best green, budget two-drop around. (followed by Sylvan Caryatid and Scavenging Ooze )

But then again, that's my opinion.

Of course, this depends on the deck. If your plan is just dealing damage to players with creatures and disregarding any evasives, or the actions of your opponent, then yes, this could work. But it would have to be fast.

I think you could be better of with a little white in here. Selesnya Aggro is doing pretty well in standard ATM and has many creatures with great power for little Mana.

I think I'll make a deck with the cards that have come up.. Just to see. I'll post it here, so you can check it out.

Other great cards for a standard green deck:Dryad Militant Bow of Nylea Savage Surge Boon Satyr Reverent Hunter Deadly Recluse Witchstalker Time to Feed Fog

February 20, 2014 2:24 a.m.

Oletorpedo says... #13

Mono green evolution

A deck i made in ten minutes, so it needs a lot of work. But this may be the kind of deck you're looking for. It's fast, green and very much budget.

So, you start ot with an Elvish Mystic or Experiment One either are good. Turn two, if you have an elf in play, and land, you have a wide array of things to play. You can play all Burning-Tree Emissary , a Courser of Kruphix , giving you card advantage, Crocanura , helping us with our evolve sub-theme, or a tusker. Among other things.

The four mana spots can give us Karametra's Acolyte or Deadbridge Goliath . The acolyte can help us throw a huge hydra, and together with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx things can get silly.

Your card advantage will come from not only the courser, but also Hunter's Prowess .

Defensively, this deck could be better, a lot better, but use those Savage Surge at the right time, and it just might work.

February 20, 2014 3:22 a.m.

Oletorpedo says... #14

Did some last minute sideboarding. Not really cards that are any good for sideboarding, but cards that might fit in.

February 20, 2014 3:27 a.m.

HeltonJames68 says... #15

I'll be making a sylesnia deck sometime this weekend, i'll keep you guys updated and make sure to put it on my profile, thanks for the input everyone, it helped me out a lot!(:

February 21, 2014 7 p.m.

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