Mono Green Stompy
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 23, 2013, 6:29 a.m. by Kleptozaniac
Alright so on the way home from a recent FNM my friend and I made a bet (one mythic of our choice from each others binders) that one of us could build the better mono green deck,with some special rules fr shits and giggles
1. There is a five mythic rare MINIMUM,it has to have 5 at least or you auto lose
2. You cant buy cards for the deck,trading is great but no money can be spent
3. Each of us had to pick a mono green variant to base our decks off of,I chose stomp because well....who doesnt like overwhelming victory followed by a mythic rare >.> My buddy chose a Stampede subtype with smaller creatures but in greater numbers
4. We have until August 19th to make the best mono green deck at which time we have a match best 3 of 5 for the prize
All I need is some help building it,I have a decent base and some things coming in for trades but I needed to speed the feedback/trade/build process a bit,so if you have any suggestions for cards to cut or add or anything you'd be willing to trade that would go great in this deck feel free to comment here and let me know. Also,I realize this is a pipe dream at best,but if someone has some Kalonian Hydras for free ill glady give them a good home XDDD
Kleptozaniac says... #2
I forgot to mention as a #5 rule only cards from 2012 Core 2013 Core and Avacyn Block through M14 are allowed
July 23, 2013 6:36 a.m.