Mono Red or Mono Black, that is the question (Standard)
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 14, 2014, 9:54 a.m. by rochdalekilla9
So my friend and I are attending the FNM event at our local shop. I built a beatdown mono red deck and a pretty awesome mono black deck. I need help deciding which one I should use and which one to let him use. Obviously I'd rather use the better of the two. Also, if you have any suggestions for either of these decks, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
rochdalekilla9 says... #3
Oh yeah. The Pack Rat is definitely a staple in this deck. That's why there are four of them. I wish I could afford the Mutavault because that would be extremely useful but it's a bit steep for my liking. But other than that are there any suggestions for either of the decks? Anything need to be added or taken out?
March 14, 2014 11:03 a.m.
InnerFlame says... #5
Probably one of the hardest decisions lol. Those are two pretty good decks, and you'll be fine with either one. It's going to come down to what your local competition is plays. IMO, I would go with mono black simply because of the removal and Desecration Demon .
March 14, 2014 1:11 p.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #6
It definitely is a hard decision to make. As long as no one is using, whether in main deck or sideboard, Anger of the Gods or Drown in Sorrow , the MRD should work fine and fast. But that MBD can really get going and wreak havoc for many opponents. I've tested them both against each other and they're pretty even, depending on the draws of course. Awaken the Ancient is something I am looking at for the MRD strictly for the land becoming a huge creature with haste. I think I will be fine with either deck, it's just frustrating when you have two good decks and have to decide which to play with!
EddCrawley says... #2
I would have to say Mono Black all the way. and i would use 1 card more than all others...
Pack Rat
Unless this is answered within a couple of turns, then it is out of range of Mizzium Mortars , especially with a couple of Mutavault as back-up. But as soon as they have spent an arsenal of burn clearing your board, then you start dropping Desecration Demon or flashing a Pack Rat back with Whip of Erebos and start the fun all over again.
March 14, 2014 10:31 a.m.