Mono red or Red/White token deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 23, 2013, 10:07 p.m. by Pulekongen

Hi. At the m14 prerelease i got to play with Ogre Battledriver and 2 copies of young pyromancer. I really enjoyed the interaction between those cards and i would like to build a deck for FNM and casual play. I have, really quick, put together two deck ideas. One is mono red and the other is Red/White. What do you think is the best choice for a deck like this? Is Ogre Battledriver playable at all in standard?

DaggerV says... #2

Ogre Battledriver is very playable in standard. If they don't answer Battledriver, or in my case, waited to see what I was doing with it, often found themselves being overwhelmed quickly. I went White/Red with a splash of black for some flashback fun.

July 23, 2013 10:18 p.m.

I see the Battledriver as a faster but smaller version of Master Biomancer . Both cards work ridiculously well with large token drops like Increasing Devotion ; however, Battledriver is MUCH better positioned to work with this since White has the best options here & haste means the game could be over.

But since I'm such a Biomancer fan, I decided to team the two up in my Dangerfield's Blitzin Biomancers & Battledrivers Elf RUG deck that got its first run last night and went 2-1. In one game, my opponent had tapped out on his turn 5 for Ozbedat, and my first 4 turns had netted me an Elvish Archdruid , a couple one-drop dorks and a Biomancer. I could barely contain my glee as he tapped out since he had no way to stop my Battledriver-Fungal Sprouting combo that resulted in six 6/4's with haste.

But obviously that's some janky tier 2 shit; the guy above probably has the right idea with the RWB build with Lingering Souls I can only assume.

July 31, 2013 3:28 p.m.

And to your question about Young Pyronmancer- yes, this is a dynamite combo.

July 31, 2013 3:32 p.m.

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