Mono white aggro
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 21, 2013, 3:34 a.m. by Littleshorty
So I want to run mono white aggro do standard but I'm stuck on how to build it. Iv been told i should pair it green, black, or red. I want to do something different because you don't see a lot of mono white aggro. Would mono white aggro be easy or should I pair it with another color?
Mono W isn't such a good idea. I've seen a W/R Weenie do well at GP Louisville last weekend. He splashed red only for Boros Charm and had some Boros Reckoner in the SB. He also didn't use heroic.
October 21, 2013 7:11 a.m.
Quadsimotto says... #4
The real problem I see with it is board control and wipes. You pretty much have to mount a quick attacking force that can finish the job. According to 's lists of top rated meta standard decks there are 15 mono white that placing well.. By no means breaking records but I would venture to say that they pretty much run themselves and after having read over the deck lists they are pretty much what I earlier described(minus the heroic).
October 21, 2013 8:13 a.m.
Littleshorty says... #5
I was going to use Heroic and use Battlewise Valor and cards like it. I thought it would be an amazing idea to have 2-3 4/4 on turn 5, But a lot of the people i play with where just like it wont work and it would be complicated. I thought of the idea the earlier and it would be pretty consistent and it would be sorta like your G/W humans all over again but just mono white.
October 21, 2013 11:18 p.m.
derecksisco says... #6
Fabled Hero and Holy Mantle is right on the mana curve and a nice way to get in 10 damage, especially if your packing a Brave the Elements
October 21, 2013 11:27 p.m.
derecksisco says... #7
I was thinking Brave the Elements for your creatures without holy mantle
October 21, 2013 11:38 p.m.
Hi! I also tried to build a mono white aggro but ended up with this W/g aggro with some heroic. I don't think it's the ultimate build but it could be a starting point. Tell me what you guys think about it :)
Deck: W/g Theros Aggro
Quadsimotto says... #2
If you pair it then it would obviously no longer be mono. I think a very effective mono white aggro can be built. In fact mono white aggro has already seen some success in standard format tournaments. As with any mono deck(any deck really) you will have snags along the way. If it was me? I would use devotion, heroic, and battalion with a handful of protection to beat my opponents face in.
October 21, 2013 5:04 a.m.