Mono-white Humans (Modern)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 10, 2013, 10:19 a.m. by Korombos
Human Avalanche- (Sideboard Help?)
This deck is my current project. I think I've assembled most of the required cards to really make this hum, but I'm stalling out on how many of each to include in the deck. The only thing I'm reasonably sure about is 4x Champion of the Parish
and 4x Silverblade Paladin
as getting those out early has achieved my quickest kills.
My LGS is sold out of Honor of the Pure
, so I'll be sticking with a Spear of Heliod
or two for awhile.
My other area of confusion is sideboards. I never have a clear idea about what to put in there and what to just leave in the binder for another iteration of the deck at another tournament.
would this Human Instants be a stronger tournament deck?
December 10, 2013 9:45 p.m.
Looks better, a few further suggestions.
Modern is a pretty fast format. It's often refereed to as a "Turn 4 Format" due to the consistency of when the combo decks aught to kill you if they are uninterrupted. Like, end of turn Pestermite untap Splinter Twin and kill you with infinite tokens. The aggro decks need to be fast and hyper aggressive, or look to employ more unfair synergies. Stuff like Angelic Overseer is just too slow, you need speed more than resilience.
On that same token, I would try to get to 8 one drop creatures, though 12 would perhaps be even better. Having a T1 play is important to put the pressure on your opponent. T1 one drop, T2 2 one drops is a very powerful start against a format that runs more spot removal than sweepers.
Phalanx Leader is already a little underpowered for modern. Remember you're going to be seeing card like Tarmogoyf come down for 2 mana. But it's even less playable with only 3 sources to target it. Brave the Elements won't trigger heroic.
All in all I would cut 2 Angelic Overseer , 3 Phalanx Leader , 2 Plains , 3 Bathe in Light . That gives us 10 cards to add back. 2 Soldier of the Pantheon , 4 Elite Vanguard /Student of Warfare /Hada Freeblade , 4 Kazandu Blademaster (extra good if you go with Hada Freeblade ) or another double WW 2 drop. And that should put you in a pretty good spot, at least for FNM level of events.
December 10, 2013 10:52 p.m.
@ Slycne Thank you!! Human Avalanche!!! is so much faster this way!
December 11, 2013 9:54 a.m.
Okay, I've spend tome time combing my collection and buying some cards at my LGS. I have some trades in the pipeline, but I'm not counting my caverns before they're hatched.
How does the current actual incarnation of the deck measure up?Human Snowdrift (Advice Welcome)
December 17, 2013 9:45 p.m.
I've revised this deck yet again. I might enter a tournament with it tomorrow... Human Snowdrift (Advice Welcome). Any last-minute tweaks or words of advice?
Also, as far a sideboarding goes, if I'm up against a control deck, what should I take out in order to put Grand Abolisher in? Also, are Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Crovax, Ascendant Hero useless in sideboard and should I replace them with, say Mentor of the Meek ?
January 11, 2014 11:40 a.m.
I entered the tournament today and fought hard. I came up 1 win, 2 losses, 1 bye, and I think I learned a few things, particularly for when it comes to mulliganing. I think I'm too used to playing casually, and a playable hand is not the same thing as a winnable hand.
After the tournament (I was 8th with the bye into the last round, but someone was destined to knock me down with my paltry 6 points) I traded for my last 3 Cavern of Souls s. I might just enter the ptq next week. Like someone today said "there's always gonna be a white weenie." That might as well include me.
So, anybody nee a major revision I should make before next week? Is Heliod, God of the Sun good or bad?
Slycne says... #2
Given the plethora of cheap spot removal in modern, any aura that isn't going on something like Slippery Bogle is a really bad idea. Lightning Bolt is the most played spell in the format, you just can't afford to get blown out over and over like that. Let alone the really gut wrenching feeling of something like Electrolyze in response you loose 1-2 guys and an aura and they are not even down a card for it.
Cards I would highly recommend you consider playing Path of Exile - powerful removal, AEther Vial - deploy your creatures at instant speed and they can't be countered, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - respectable body on a card that really slows down other decks, Student of Warfare - one of the better 1 drops ever printed, Accorder Paladin - super aggressive, Brave the Elements - the reason to play mono white in the first place, Hero of Bladehold - a nice big scary finisher.
As for sideboard, modern is a really diverse format. There is no way to just pluck 15 cards and call it a day, your sideboard will evolve and change over time. Luckily white afford you some of the best hate cards around, but here's a few to think about.
December 10, 2013 3:08 p.m.