MonoG Wurms - please suggest

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 19, 2012, 6:30 a.m. by ChLange

Hey there,

over the last few weeks, I have build me a Mono Green Wurm deck. It runs pretty well (the two Skeletal Wurms are my latest addition, I didn't have an opportunity to playtest them yet).

Mostly, my problems are these:

  • I do not draw my Ramp-Cards / don't have quickly enough the mana I need to play the ones I have on my hand (maybe due to bad shuffling)
  • Token-Decks, since only a part of my wurm trample
  • decks which pump out more than one creature per turn (e.g. Angle Decks)

I would like to ask you if you do have any suggestions how to make this deck work better / more stable.

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