Multiplayer Chaos Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 6, 2012, 11:21 a.m. by part207
I want to build a multiplayer deck that basically just screws the whole game up for everyone. Knowledge Pool , Omen Engine, Conjured Currency , Sunken Hope , and Temple Bell were some of the cards i would find interesting for this. i figure with the communities help i can build a fun deck that has no real goal except to royally screw up the game for everyone.
I had a friend create a deck that works off of the same principle of messing with people and I personally have a deck that uses Conjured Currency , Switcheroo , and cards like that.
His deck is
December 6, 2012 11:32 a.m.
VykkDraygo says... #4
Hive Mind , Planar Chaos , Psychic Battle , Confusion in the Ranks , Scrambleverse , Wheel of Fortune effects, Prosperity , Forced Fruition .
Just a few random chaotic, or fun MP cards.
December 6, 2012 11:35 a.m.
heres what ive got so far
December 6, 2012 12:09 p.m.
AnOldEskimo says... #6
I think that Blood Moon could work pretty well with Chain Lightning depending on the opponents mana base. Also Confusion in the Ranks is always a good card to mess with the game.
December 6, 2012 12:16 p.m.
good call, thinking this, ill toss in a Stormtide Leviathan too
part207 says... #2
Omen Machine i mean.. wtb edit button..
December 6, 2012 11:22 a.m.