Multiplayer-Friendly deck ideas ? D:
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 26, 2013, 11:48 p.m. by lolipop666
Hey! i'm usually playing with 3-4 players and we get tired of super-fast decks that target only one player and dosent let anyone make his deck work. i'm playing Lorescale Coatl -Draw all the cards- (wich is already pretty multiplayer-friendly) and i tought that it could be fun if i made a super-dulper-mega-friendly deck with cards like Minds Aglow with join forces. I want this deck to have card-draw for everyone and things that will speed up the game. I'm not building this game to win the game but if you have any ideas of a win-con that isn't Milling everyone out and that would be more subtule than just getting big creatures in, i'd really love it :3 <3
Howling Mine is a fun multiplayer card, and Tempting Wurm is a fun multiplayer card :) And any Join Forces card too haha
July 27, 2013 12:48 a.m.
I understand where you are coming from as my playgroup tends to play big multiplayer games. I tailored a deck I called Multiplayer Mana Ramp for these big games and eventually made so many changes that it turned into How could you block a hippo?. It changed from ramping quickly into threats and taking on everyone all at once, to a little bit of everything. The current version can actually be quite mean if it wants to, but other times it has cool fun interactions that make the game fun whether you win or lose. I think the key to multiplayer is not necessarily in what cards people are playing, but how people interact and play their decks.
July 27, 2013 3:08 a.m.
brycecream says... #7
I personally have a few decent 1v1 decks that I keep with me, and one fun (but with the potential to be brutal) casual multiplayer deck. also, what I've done a few times is make a "multiboard" with multiplayer replacements for 1v1 cards, mostly with different wordings of the same effects (an example from one of mine is Blightning swapping out for Skull Rend , although skull rend is waaay more powerful).
keep in mind too, in multiplayer games you'll have more time (and therefore more mana) to build your board, so you can afford slower, more powerful plays.
also EDH.
July 27, 2013 3:34 a.m.
brycecream says... #8
an example in your deck would be switching out Unsummon for Cyclonic Rift . again waaay more powerful, but you could bounce single targets early or everything late for the finish.
July 27, 2013 3:49 a.m.
I do not think cards like Cyclonic Rift are really what loli is looking for. Stated above "I want this deck to have card-draw for everyone and things that will speed up the game." While rift interacts with everything, rift really just slows the game down. This type of effect can be seen with the multitude of board wipes that people play in EDH. The previous suggestion of Howling Mine seems to be something that is wanted. Positively interacts with everyone and speed the game up.
July 27, 2013 4 a.m.
If we wanna go for 'super' Howling Mine then perhaps shooting for Font of Mythos would be in order. haha
July 27, 2013 4:05 a.m.
brycecream says... #11
it was just an example, if you want to fill everyone's hands before swinging in with a giant Lorescale Coatl .
as far as basic friendly card draw, there's Vision Skeins
, or to really speed things up, there's Rites of Flourishing
in green. I'm certain there are lots of other things, just keep an eye out for "each player" or " each opponent".
July 27, 2013 4:46 a.m.
lolipop666 says... #12
Thanks guys! i'm considering : Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Vision Skeins , Rites of Flourishing and a cards with Join Forces... Thanks again for all the suggestions
lolipop666 says... #2
(i'm looking for cards suggestions, i just realised i didn't said it)
July 26, 2013 11:55 p.m.