My Deck keeps losing to fast decks.
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 9, 2013, 9:33 p.m. by JakeDaSnake
I go to FNM with this deck and lose to quick aggressive decks. Are there any cards that should go into the side board or into the deck to help me win?Help is much appreciated, the link to my deck is below.
JakeDaSnake says... #3
What do you think I should take out for the fog banks? Considering I only have 60 cards
July 9, 2013 9:58 p.m.
shredkowski says... #5
I'd say replace the AEtherize s and maybe the Cellar Door . I think that would work out better.
July 9, 2013 10:13 p.m.
JakeDaSnake says... #6
shredkowski I think the AEtherize actually works pretty well against some. I could sideboard it if anything. But will Fog Bank be gone in October anyway? Because the M14 roation?
Thanks for the comments! :)
July 9, 2013 10:25 p.m.
The cards that are hurting you most against fast creature decks are your dedicated mill cards, like Mind Sculpt . They have zero impact on the board. So not only are you not trading a card with them, you're also putting yourself further behind them in resources.
That route is essentially a burn deck going up against a 50+ lifetotal, and there's just not enough quality "burn" mill you win that race.
I think the better route for mill right now is to play a more controling deck. Protect yourself and a limited number of repeatable mill sources with a heavy dose of permission and kill spells.
Devour Flesh is a great card for you since it's cheap, instant, unconditional and you don't care about the lifegain at all since plan A is to mill them out. And I actually tend to prefer removal to trying to play blockers. Any aggro deck worth its salt is going to play cards to get around or remove blockers. Putting down a Fog Bank isn't going to do nearly as much as just killing their dudes will.
July 9, 2013 11:20 p.m.
maybe add Murder ? I like it in my mill deck. 1 more mana than Devour Flesh but no life cost. Not sure how useful it'll be after M14 tho =/
July 9, 2013 11:56 p.m.
TurboFagoot says... #9
How is the lack of life gain a bad thing in a mill deck? My god, you people sometimes.
Anyway, run Nephalia Drownyard as your mill win-con, and cut all other mill spells. Put in counters like Dissipate, Syncopate, or hell even Cancel. Run Tragic Slip, Devour Flesh, Ultimate Price in the board, Cyclonic Rift, Think Twice, Far//Away.
I'd also splash white for Supreme Verdict and Detention Sphere.
July 10, 2013 12:47 a.m.
JakeDaSnake says... #10
I like most of your suggestions other than things that are going to be gone soon. Does innistrad leave as soon as M14 comes? That would take away things like Cancel Unless it is M14. But do you think even a Mindstatic would be good?I'm mainly just bad at deciding which cards to take out. This deck looks the way it is because I am not used to playing a mill deck. This is my first one so my play style is still wanting to take life.
July 10, 2013 11:18 a.m.
JakeDaSnake says... #11
TurboFagootAlso do I have to tag your name to give you a notification? :P
July 10, 2013 11:19 a.m.
TurboFagoot says... #12
There's only one rotation per year: When the fall set (Theros, this year) drops. So M13, 14, and Innistrad are still legal together.
Mindstatic isn't too good. Think about it, you have a conditional counter spell for one more than a Dissipate/Cancel, a hard counter.
Also, Cancel was in RTR, so it'll be legal post rotation.
shredkowski says... #2
It seems to me like your deck is a milling deck. Cards I'd consider would be Tragic Slip for removal and Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker . I have a friend who has a similar deck that we've been trying to tinker with for a while. I'd say have either a strong early board presence, maybe consider Fog Bank or Murmuring Phantasm to get some large walls out for 2 mana. Maybe add 2 more Kraken Hatchling s as well.
July 9, 2013 9:53 p.m.