My Experiment Kraj deck needs some critique...

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 24, 2013, 10:47 a.m. by gheridarigaaz

Just made the deck and i feel like it could do with a bit more... any suggestions would be appreciated, I'm mainly looking for tutors for the deck seeing as Kraj is a brilliant bridge in the gap from combo piece to combo piece

the deck is Krazy Kraj's Konvoluted Kombos and the combos mainly revolve around Experiment Kraj , an untap ability like Soliton 's, another untap ability, but more like Arbor Elf 's or Fatestitcher 's, and something that produces more than 1 mana, preferably 2 blue at least like Gilded Lotus or card:Dawn's Reflection... I know... convoluted right?

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