my first magic deck! need help!!!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 8, 2013, 12:54 a.m. by RustyRhino
hey guys! new player to magic as of three weeks! loving the game so far! im looking to improve on this deck idea I have had. check it out I called it Nylea's Forest, pretty fitting I think lol, basically I just want to quickly assemble a strong creature base and be able to protect them early with my counter spells like Fog , Putrefy , and Ranger's Guile , then bring out a ramped up Reverent Hunter due to the high devotion, then just get out my big creatures like Nylea, God of the Hunt , and Giant Adephage who would all have trample from Nylea, God of the Hunt , and deathtouch from the Bow of Nylea to just attack away and win the game. any ideas will be greatly appreciated!! I am loosing my creature base early and falling victim a lot to Supreme Verdict so any ways to get around that would be awesome. also, idea for my sideboard was to have a Chromatic Lantern out so I can cast mana of any colour with my forest lands, and then have out a Vraska the Unseen and pump him up to +8, use a Supreme Verdict to wipe the field, cast vraska's -7 for the assassin tokens, and then swing the assassin tokens next turn for the instant win. just as an interesting idea lol. have never tried it as I have yet to acquire the sideboard.. but yes. any help would be AWESOME!!! thanks fellow planeswalkers!
bootsncatsn is right, you NEED 24 lands. You could get stuck on 3 lands for an entire game in some cases.
Also, Chromatic Lantern
is a good card in multicolor decks, not mono color. You shouldn't run it even if you want to Supreme Verdict
into Vraska the Unseen
assassin tokens.
That said, it's a good build for a first deck. Maybe you should go more Golgari in order to take advantage of the Putrefy in your mainboard, which will then allow you to run more black to take advantage of Vraska the Unseen and Chromatic Lantern .
bootsncatsn says... #2
with monsters that heavy, you NEED to run 24 lands.
October 8, 2013 1:26 a.m.