name this card
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2013, 4:02 p.m. by patrickloyd
the card says whenever i deal damage to you, i deak double damage. it is a card, not double strike
patrickloyd says... #5
and can you tell me the black card that says "if your opponent has one ore less cards in his or her hand on the upkeep. it deals 3 damage
December 17, 2013 5:16 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #7
The Gatherer search engine is very useful for things like this.
December 17, 2013 5:26 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #9
Yes. Commonly red black with Blightning , Duress , Thoughtseize , Liliana's Caress and/or Megrim . Burning Inquiry fits nicely too
Gatherer has an excellent search engine. I use the advanced search all the time whenever I'm building a new deck around any given card. It makes life much easier.
December 17, 2013 5:30 p.m.
Though bear in mind, those two cards don't do anything together, since Shrieking Affliction causes loss of life, not damage, so it won't trigger Curse of Bloodletting
Myogenesis says... #2
Curse of Bloodletting
December 17, 2013 4:04 p.m.