Naya Ramp Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 4, 2012, 1:01 p.m. by DawnsRayofLight
I have received a lot of good feedback from people at my local on this deck: Blinking the Night Away (naya Ramp). It did fine on Wednesday when I tested a sort of prototype, if you will, of the current list. A few tweaks and I came up with the above list. I more or less ran the list last night and did not do as well. Lost 3 of my games via, novice play mistakes on my part, bad draws/hands I should have mulliganed, and decent hands but theirs were 20 times better (i.e. zombie nut hands, naya pod nut hands, delver getting every counterpell in its deck, etc.).
I feel the deck has potential, but is missing something. I worry a bit about the mana base now with 8 colorless sources compared to the wednesday test of 6 (added Inkmoth Nexus from advice, did not have terribly many problems). It might need another Primeval Titan . I realize the deck is at 61 cards, but it ran much better at that number. Still, it needs something to help me against "mono-blue" delver, naya pod, and zombies. I really appreciate input. Thank you in advance.
DawnsRayofLight says... #3
The Flicker mechanic is now more of a fun side thought now, the restoration angels do work in the deck given how fast it ramps. At worse I am protecting a dude from a kill spell. I did have the card:Conjurer's Closet for more sort of synergy, but the slot is better filled by what I put in it's place. I might put Zealous Conscripts in the boards in place of another Thragtusk and some from of removal, I have not terribly been getting too much use out of them in the main. I am gradually shifting more towards a naya ramp Wolf run with the angels to use as flier protection, overall synergy, and protection from kill spells/combat damage for my big guys. I sort of just wanted a deck to play somewhat like the flicker decks, but be more wolf run oriented, big dudes just seemed like a good idea.
In short, the deck is mostly ramp, the resto angels are just nice to pull off combos with, but mostly protection.
zandl says... #2
It seems to me like your deck is just stuck between being a mid-range-y flicker deck and a full-blown ramp deck. If you choose one of those and focus more on it, you'll inevitably have more success.
Zandl's GW Flicker (for SCG Vegas)
Zandl's Wolf Run White (played this @ SCG Phoenix)
August 5, 2012 12:14 a.m.