Need 1 creature to complete my naya deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 25, 2014, 11:27 p.m. by teamplayerx

Looking for mainly a big creature 4 drop or less. I already have 1 polukranos, the world eater on mainboard and one on side. I am not here to get into more of this card mainboard. I am simply asking is there a better creature out there for the 4th drop that is green and/or red or 1 mana symbol white that would fit better? I was thinking about Heliod just for the vigilance, but it is not realistic he would become a creature in my deck.

my deck:

raithe000 says... #2

Bow to Naya?

Polis Crusher could be good depending on Meta. 1 less p/t, but trample.

Purphoros, God of the Forge is big, but doesn't synergize well.

Nylea, God of the Hunt is likely to be a creature.

Rubblebelt Raiders gets big if you invest.

Tajic, Blade of the Legion if you can keep up battalion strength.

Flame-Wreathed Phoenix kind of steps on Stormbreath's toes, but could work,

Felhide Spiritbinder could be an interesting, if not strictly high p/t, choice.

February 25, 2014 11:45 p.m.

teamplayerx says... #3

Im just gonna say this for notes, last PTG i went to about 30 % of people played some form of B/U/W or U/W control.

Raither000 thank you for your imput. I have tested out Flame-Wreathed Pheonix in tournament play, and basically I thought it was good, mainboard and or sideboard, and it's basically a dead card. there are better answers to their flyers.

Nylea, God of the Hunt I forgot about her, great card. Would synergize well too, with doubling of creatures with Xenagos, God of Revels then they all have trample, sick combo.

Polis Crusher I have seen a lot of people put them in their G/R monster decks on the website, but havent really seen it be successful in tournament play. I guess it would be great on the sideboard against control decks such as U/W or U/B/W control. It has proc Detention Sphere and destroys it after monstrosity hits after attacks. Trample is always a nice feature. I will think about it for sideboard. Maybe a couple.

Rubblebelt Raiders Idk that card was brought to my attention a few days ago. It would be great against a race and synergized with Xenagos, God of Revels . It feels like its more for an aggro deck, but im unsure of this card for naya. Good thoughts thought.

Tajic, Blade of the Legion i have seen that card before and forgot about him, now seeing him again I just want to buy him cus thats a great card. It would be great against control. Indestructible alone is amazing. just keeping creatures alive in G/R decks are crucial. I guess the other card i was thinking was Fleecemane Lion but that is more of a 5 drop, cus its really just a 3/3 for W and a G, until its monstrosity hits.

Felhide Spiritbinder your right could be interesting.. I think atm its too slow and needs to be in that minotaur deck after the minotaur for set journey to nyx comes out.

February 26, 2014 12:04 a.m.

teamplayerx says... #4

Also however Nylea, God of the Hunt may not be a creature turn 4. If you are playing against mono-black or a form of control which both combined is around 50-65% of people playing standard atm, they will most likely disrupt the creatures in the early game. Trample is a great ability though to all creatures, but at what cost.

I'm also thinking on sideboard about Imposing Sovereign in the mirror or against a heavy creature deck.


February 26, 2014 12:16 a.m.

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