Need A Deck Built?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 2, 2018, 4:06 a.m. by Nillstan
Currently Closed
Welcome one and all to The Mad Shaman's Brewery! A place of fantastical and wondrous things awaits all who enter!
I deal in wonder and wackiness as payment. Allow me to build something crazy, and you owe me nothing for anything.
I'm here today to offer my services to any and all who want them!
Do you need a deck built? I will absolutely build it for you. Pick a thing! Tribal, card based, random crap? All is fair game here! Just name what you want, what kind of budget you'd like, and what colors you want, and a brand new wild and wacky brew is coming your way!
Need help improving a brew? No worries! I have a separate cauldron for that, one that i clean with analysis and friendly assistance!
I do not build edh, but pretty much everything else is fair game.
Oh, and while you're here...
HungryAmerican says... #3
I have been trying to build a Braids, Conjurer Adept edlrazi deck for a long time, but I cannot get it fast enough and it is never any good I would love if you could build me a ramp-y commander deck, with the ability to get her out, either phase her out or take her out and get her back in just before my upkeep to cheat out those fatties. Also, some decent card advantage would help, along with removal and anything else you can think of! My budget is around $250 but I already have the fatties so do what you want with that.
June 2, 2018 5:22 a.m.
Adamram1985 says... #4
Been working on a baby standard deck using tatyova....... Any help would be more than appreciated i loathe the.
June 2, 2018 10:28 a.m.
bwanabeast5 says... #5
I would also love for you to look at my Tatyova deck and keep in mind it's planned to be competitive.
June 2, 2018 1:10 p.m.
CasualCucumber says... #6
Would love to see a deck built around Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar with The Mending of Dominaria and with a delirium theme with black and green containing cards such as Vessel of Nascency and The Gitrog Monster.
The other route i have been thinking about is the same base with Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar and The Mending of Dominaria but also built around Knight of the Reliquary instead of delirium.
The budget is around $50 - It does not have to be competetive! Casual is fine.
Would appreciate to see your take on this :)
June 2, 2018 1:17 p.m.
How about a deck themed "undead barnyard". Starring Poultrygeist
June 2, 2018 1:25 p.m.
Homelessguy says... #8
I'd like a EDH deck built around Selvala, Explorer Returned Built around using her parley ability multiple times a turn or infinitely so you can mill your opponents using selesnya
June 2, 2018 6:55 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #9
i've been working on 2 different builds of a deck. i need to know which build would be best or if there is another possible build that i can do. i dont have a budget and this deck is for standard.
first, is the Dimir version:
Dimir Bring on the rats
next is the Rakdos version:
Rakdos Bring on the rats
let me know what you think. what should be changed or what other possible route can i go with this rat tribal in standard?
June 3, 2018 8:07 a.m.
The cheapest burn spell you can make. Mono red. Minimal creatures. Hope I did that right :)
Swamy says... #2
I would love to see your take on edh Rafiq of the Many prison deck. I've got a great start on what to put in there, but I love seeing new takes on things. I have no budget so go wild! Use reserved list cards, obscure cards, staples, basically Whatever you think would make a great death and taxes/ prison rafiq.
June 2, 2018 4:36 a.m.