Need A Deck Idea -_- (GW or GWX)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2012, 6:36 p.m. by DawnsRayofLight
looking for a deck idea, something maybe sort of involving ramp (Big. Freaking. Scary. Dudes.) and some control elements (kill spells/ counter spells). As well, I am looking to have some resto-Thragtusk fun, I would like the deck to be both entertaining to play with and competitive in standard events. I am leaning towards Green White and possibly a third color, either blue or black. I want to avoid red due to all the cards being in either my zombie deck or my friend's Jund list. Ideas for cards or an entire deck list is appreciated.
I am really tired of blue white control help me make a new list :( Thanks!!!
I know there seems to be some fun 4 color reanimate decks and gbw reanimate lists, looking to avoid some hate if possible, I am considering a green black white idea, only with 2-3 Unburial Rites as a surprise, but not focusing so much on the "dump my whole deck into the grave" time deal. Again, Thanks!
for the first paragraph. this.
December 18, 2012 9:26 p.m.
DawnsRayofLight says... #4
hmmm, zandl's list is similar to some of the lists I have been considering, I think with all the board wipes though, I think his list could really use the planeswalkers. I sort of want to avoid blue, due to needing to pick up some jace's again, but they are getting cheaper now and I can nab them pretty easily--I do realize zandl's list does not run them. Demarge, I appreciate the suggestion, I am not really gravitated towards that list, I think it lacks a bit of zing. I definitely am leaning more black (though it sadly requires me to pick up more stuff) due to being a tad bored of blue white/X already. I might just say forget it and go ahead and go bant, pick up 2-3 more Terminus , 2 Supreme Verdict , 4 Thragtusk and 2 Jace, Architect of Thought and call it a deck until gatecrash drops and I play (given the proper support I hope for) rg aggro and esper control.
December 19, 2012 12:16 a.m.
I find that the deck runs fine without all the usual Planeswalkers. It's less of a control deck and more of a ramp deck. Power through your third and fourth turns with ramp/board-wipes, then drop a fatty that they likely can't deal with.
December 19, 2012 4:59 p.m.
DawnsRayofLight says... #6
well i Played a 5 color control, pretty fun looking deck, I pulled one idea from the deck: card:Ranger's Path seems like a good ramp spell.
Ohthenoises says... #2
zandl's deck:zandls-big-ass-wipes-freshly-updated might fit your bill.
December 18, 2012 9:20 p.m.