Need a good control finisher
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 26, 2013, 9:48 p.m. by dpac
I need a good finisher and a creature that can help me control the board for this deck:The Vth Manipulator
This is a control/ramp deck with Door to Nothingness as an alternative win condition.I'm already adding 3/4 Thragtusk to gain life and get extra blockers and two more Chromatic Lantern and a Kessig Wolf Run .
But I think I still need a creature to help me finish the game.I thought about Drogskol Reaver (good for card drae) or maybe Olivia Voldaren (can help keep the board clear and attack).
Can anyone give me advice?Thanks in advance.
It doesn't have to be from standard. But those are some good options. Thanks!I'll wait for more answers and options though.
August 26, 2013 10:09 p.m.
Gideon, Champion of Justice and Haunted Plate Mail can be the same kind of thing. They're not exactly creatures, but they can hit like one.
August 27, 2013 10:59 p.m.
I used Ajani, Caller of the Pride for my most recent win-con... I did get hit with a Bonfire of the Damned once... and 2 people tried to use Ratchet Bomb (unsuccessfully, thanks to Detention Sphere ). But, usually, if Ajani ultimates, it's a win.
August 27, 2013 11:14 p.m.
Haunted Plate Mail is a good option to attack with after a Day of Judgment , I'm just not sure if he can be considered a win-con. Might try using two copies of him though.Wouldn't AEtherling unblockable and swinging for 8/1 or a Olivia Voldaren growing bigger and bigger while keeping the board clear be a better option for my kind of deck?
Svedishgypsy says... #2
AEtherling and Assemble the Legion are the current win conditions for control right now.
August 26, 2013 10:01 p.m.