Need a little help with my control deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 24, 2013, 9:36 p.m. by kataking

Deck link ---> Nope, that spell won't resolve...

The theme of the deck is to counter every creature the opponent brings out, or Lightning Bolt them once they come out if I feel the creature is not worthy of a Rewind . Besides just countering and being annoying, the deck has two real ways of winning. The first is to disintigrate/ life drain for a large amount, and maybe reverberate it and end the game, or slowly munch away at the opponent with a hippy and gain card advantage at every attack. Either works, and just countering everything and bolting away enemies stays consistent regardless of the method, but I feel I'm missing a card in this deck. Casting a 10-15 damage spell is really my only hope, unless I get a dark ritual > hippy on turn 1-2. All advice is appreciated regardless of experience!

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