Need a SB bomb for the Delver matchup
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 11, 2012, 11:23 a.m. by BrianH369
Alrighty, so I'm one card away from having an excellent g2-3 v Delver, but I'm not sure about which card it is. Here's the deck: UWb Tapout Control (Boner Valley).
I'm having trouble with 1 slot in the sideboard: the Entreat the Angels slot to be specific. My plan versus the run of the mill Delver g2 deck is as follows:
- 2 Divine Offering
- 2 Torpor Orb
- 2 Entreat the Angels .... maybe
- 2 Sun Titan
- 2 Wurmcoil Engine
- 2 Ratchet Bomb
The reasoning behind this is that Torpor Orb turns off Snapcaster Mage and Restoration Angel (which pretty much turns off the deck]], Sun Titan is obviously terrible with Torpor Orb , and Wurmcoil Engine is awful vs. Vapor Snag . Divine Offering is for Sword of War and Peace , which just kinda kills me by itself.
Taking out both Sun Titan and Wurmcoil Engine leaves me with VERY few win conditions, so I need to put back in at least 2, and they need to be good v. Delver and WRR, since I bring in Torpor Orb there too to shut down Primeval Titan and even more importantly Zealous Conscripts .
My ideas are either Entreat the Angels or Consecrated Sphinx , both of which have pretty severe ups and downs.
Entreat the Angels is extremely powerful, and can just win the game by itself, so its a fine replacement for the Sun Titan +Phantasmal Image plan. Zealous Conscripts does nothing against it, nor does a sided in Tamiyo, the Moon Sage or Phantasmal Image from Delver. It is, however, very vulnerable to Mana Leak . Playing around Leak with "X" spells tends to suck.
Consecrated Sphinx is again, great versus Zealous Conscripts , can block a sworded guy all day long, and clearly pulls me waaaay ahead on card advantage. The problem here is that if the Delver player casts Phantasmal Image and gets his own Spinx, we enter that infinite drawing loop, and my curve is WAY higher than his, so I get to play 1 thing a turn still, and he loads up on all the Vapor Snag s, Restoration Angel s, Sword of War and Peace he needs, casting 2-3 of them a turn with reckless abandont. I do not see myself winning that game.
So I'm torn. I could go all in on Entreat the Angels , which is where I have it now, or all in on Consecrated Sphinx , do a 1 and 1 split, or maybe there is another card that I've overlooked that just does it all. Please let me know what you think.
Yeah, the Mana Leak problem is DEFINITELY the biggest draw back. Vapor Snag is probably better vs Consecrated Sphinx than versus Entreat the Angels tbh. If they snag and angel token, they are just losing card advantage, and if they snag Sphinx they gain tempo, though I don't think it is particularly good against either card.
June 11, 2012 2:25 p.m.
Another thing worth mentioning that has come up in my testing is the fact that Delver tends to board in Phantasmal Image versus my deck because game 1 they see Sun Titan and Wurmcoil Engine . When I board those out the only thing else to Image are the singleton Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Consecrated Sphinx . If I don't board in Sphinx, it is pretty much a dead card, however if I do board in Sphinx they almost always have the Image for it because they've had no other targets for it the whole game.
Also, I've changed the way I board as a result of testing. I've noticed that I don't need so many Day of Judgment at all, and most Delver players will side out Geist of Saint Traft against me (because its not very good vs the deck), so Timely Reinforcements is completely dead. The new board plan atm is:
- 1 Karn Liberated
- 2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
- 2 Divine Offering
- 1 Dissipate
- 2 Torpor Orb
- 1 Consecrated Sphinx
- 1 Entreat the Angels
EleshBlade says... #2
Entreat the Angels is pretty bad against delver because when u go all in on it it will get Mana Leak ed, so u hardly get any angels because of leak, I think Sphinx is much better and it dosent die to snag.
June 11, 2012 1:27 p.m.