Need a way to remove the 4 card limit..
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2013, 9:53 p.m. by genoc1de
Not sure if this even exists, but it's worth a try. I need a better chance of drawing kor spiritdancers for my prototype deck. If there is a way to get past the 4 card limit directly or indirectly, it'd really help. That card is a big part of my deck and I need to make sure I get one as soon as possible.
Epochalyptik says... #3
You can't include more than four of a card in one deck unless the card is a basic land or specifically says you can include multiple copies (see Relentless Rats ).
Your best bet would be to use tutors or draw power to find the cards you need, but these options aren't optimal for all decks.
August 14, 2013 10:13 p.m.
Well, color and speed can make them wonky, but Living Wish
and Death Wish
can fetch stuff from your sideboard. Death Wish
is a bit pricy though unless you're most likely going off that turn...
So say you run 3 Spiritdancers mainboard, you can then side one, and run 4 Living Wish , and you essentially have 7 Spiritdancers in your deck. Plus, depending on color and format, you can sideboard utility lands like Maze of Ith , Wasteland , Kessig Wolf Run and so on, so the Wish isn't a dead card after you've brought in your Kor.
August 14, 2013 10:27 p.m.
for some reason I can only think of this when I read the op topic For when that guy says "lets go with no 4of limit"
August 14, 2013 11:47 p.m.
If you play casual, you can fetch other copies of your card outside your deck. It's the only way to actually have more than four: Research/Development Living Wish
If you play in tournaments, those tricks won't work since you're limited to cards in your sidedeck.
There are many tutors to help get your card, depends on your deck's colors:
Sylvan Tutor
, Congregation at Dawn
, Defense of the Heart
, Eladamri's Call
, etc. In blue/black there is transmute: Dimir Infiltrator
, Muddle the Mixture
and Shred Memory
August 15, 2013 4:07 p.m.
IonImplant says... #9
There are plenty of ways to search your deck for a card like Eladamri's Call or Altar of Bone or copy creatures like Stolen Identity once they are out.
August 15, 2013 4:24 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #10
Depends on your colors, but something like Ponder would help. Throw out an Island on turn one, Ponder , look at your top three, draw one. If you're running four Kor Spiritdancer , the chances of getting one in your top 10 cards is 1 in 1.5 (if you can get a Ponder or something like it in your hand).
August 15, 2013 4:28 p.m.
@SharuumNyan That's... not right. Statistically speaking, the chances of drawing 1 specific card out of 60 is under 40%. Even seeing the Spiritdancer in the top 10 cards is just over 52%. If your Plan B is banking on using Ponder to hope the Kor is in the next 3, then you're probably hoping to cast it T2. Now you're looking at having 4 specific cards in the top 10 (Ponder, Kor, Island, Plains), and that percentage hurts more than my head trying to find something that would calculate it =)
August 16, 2013 12:16 a.m.
SharuumNyan says... #12
But you're not looking to draw 1 card out of 60. You're looking to draw one of 4 cards out of 60. There is one Spiritdancer for every 15 cards, which means a 63% chance of getting it in the top 10.
August 16, 2013 1:49 a.m.
I used hypergeometric distribution to calculate the probability, (google it) but there is a decent chance I whiffed it somewhere... =P
D=deck size, T= target cards and H = number of cards to be drawn into the hand:
Probability = 1 - ((((D-T)!)-((D-T-H))!))/((D!)-((D-H)!)-1))
There is a < 39.95% chance of drawing at least one target card, for a 60 card deck, 4 targets and a 7 card opening hand.
Brain hurty now.
August 16, 2013 9:19 p.m.
If its Kor Spiritdancer s draw ability you need, then you could add Mesa Enchantress ..
August 17, 2013 6:24 a.m.
There are some workarounds to the 4 card limit.
One way is as many others have said is to use the Wish cards from Judgement and Future Sight. Those cards are Golden Wish , Cunning Wish , Death Wish , Burning Wish , Living Wish , and Glittering Wish . However, this doesn't work in tournament settings because the sideboard is the only zone considered to be outside the game. HOWEVER, there are workarounds around that particular rule also, which is to put 3 of the cards in the maindeck and 4 in the sideboard so you essentially have 7 copies of the card. Burning Wish was restricted in vintage at some point because with 4 Burning Wish mainboard and 1 Yawgmoth's Will mainboard, you essentially still had 4 Yawgmoth's Will mainboard.
Someone has also mentioned Research/Development although that decreases consistency. Either way though it does work. There is a combo deck in Legacy that uses Omniscience and Enter the Infinite to draw their library, cast Cunning Wish to use Research/Development in their sideboard and shuffle Laboratory Maniac into their library, then cast it and mill themselves FTW.
The only other solution I can think of are free cantrips. Cantrips are cards that replace themselves in their hand, usually by card draw. Some examples of cantrips are Mishra's Bauble , Street Wraith , and Gitaxian Probe . It will cost you a small amount but to do so to have -4 cards in your deck is a pretty good trade. If you had 12 free cantrips in your deck your deck essentially has 48 cards. Even more cantrips reduces it even more.
August 17, 2013 10:19 a.m.
lee_terry_jr says... #16
There are plenty ways to do this depending on your colors and most of the ones i know of were already listed. However I also use insidious dreams, howling mine, and there is also cards with the transmute ability (example Shred Memory). There are probably more I know off but those are all I can remember off the top of my head. Most of my decks are golgari though and the only 1 of those I listed that would work in any color deck is howling mine.
Kizmetto says... #2
hmm what do you think of Birthing Pod ?
August 14, 2013 9:56 p.m.