Need advice/suggestions/comments on WBG Lifegain [STD]

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 28, 2013, 2:32 p.m. by xCloudx

Deck Link: WBG Lifegain

The description says most of it, but I'll copy-paste it here and also address comments here as well.


This is the deck that I'm planning to run in standard, assuming I can get all the cards together. It's a intense focus lifegain deck that I'm hoping will stay competitive. Ideal goal was to get Ghost Council + Rhox on the field for a 6 point sway in my favor every turn. Selesnya is another way to combo this.

Entreat the angels, Sorin, Ajani, Griselbrand (+crypt ghast) are all alternate win conditions, if I can't manage to just beat them down while gaining life.

Rancors to buff and snake damage through. Blind Obedience for Extort and to slow them down a bit. Turn 4, 5, and 6 will be crucial with this deck. But if you can get +15 life or so by 6, you should be in the clear.

Weaknesses that I see are any intense aggro deck, that can flood the field with more creatures than I know what to do with. Board wipe may be an issue, but I'm confident that I should be able to recover from it. And Slaughter Games could cause problems as this deck is fairly reliant on the Rhox's. although I really am not sure anyone would be able to pick up on that right away. They may go for something more obvious (Griselbrand/Obzedat) and even if they do rip the Rhoxs out, I think it's a strong enough deck to persevere through it with some luck.

Please let me know what you think about it and any potential problems you see arising. I appreciate any and all feedback on it.

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